Ex bf keeps trying to be friends when he’s married

I (f29) had a friend from the age 17, we were great friends, he (m30) married young at 20 and his then wife had an issue with our friendship to which I ended it out of respect. They separated, he told me he was in love with me, eventually they divorced and she moved on.

5 years later and a whole load of mess we began a relationship that lasted around 2 and a half years.

This ended quite bitterly with him saying he never wanted to marry anyone again, that if he were to change his mind he’d come back to me

2 years later he’s popped back up in my life, married to another woman and saying he wants to be friends as we had such a great friendship. He married a month ago but is chasing our friendship, saying how great it was and that we’ll always be “best friends”. His wife is apparently very okay with, even encouraging this. He’s said I was the love of his life and is now in love with his wife, everyone gets it and is cool

It’s confusing me, a part of me is mad that he didn’t try and come back to me, he said he thought I had moved on and was happy, he says little things about how he’s kept gifts I bought him and keeps asking about my sex life with my most recent ex, he even asked “who was better, me or him?”…but he’s saying all this is friendship and he loves his wife.

He’s acting like I’m the uptight one and his wife is so cool and chill but it all seems so inappropriate to me, like why’s he seeking me out after getting married? Shouldn’t he be in new marriage fog? Am I reading too much in to this and being uptight? Is this normal and I’m the prude??

Tl;dr ex bf wants to be friends a month after he’s gotten married, am I being uptight or is that disrespectful?

1 comment
  1. Just a thought: maybe the guy matured a lot, and the new wife is supporting him because he misses his friend? As messed up as people can be, some actually improve as they get older.

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