When raising a child/children with someone. If you were to give a percentage of childcare duties between you and your partner how much would you say you do versus what they do?

  1. Depends. Do we both work? Does one stay home?

    If I stay home, I’ll take 80% and he can help with 20% or 30% and 70%

    If we both work, 50% 50%,
    On days off we can switch up on who rests and who does chores

  2. When I was a stay at home mom, it was probably 60% me 40% him. Now that I’m back to work it’s probably closer to 55% him and 45% me.

    The kids are turning 10 and 8 so there’s less to do.

  3. I do more but I’m a SAHM so that’s to be expected.

    It’s pretty close to 50/50 outside of work hours.

  4. it’s been pretty balanced throughout, tbh. When I was at home, it was something like 60/40. Then I started working full time and it was pretty much 50/50 with kid stuff, house chores etc.

  5. Well, my husband is the one who feeds them and plays with them most. They are usually asleep when I am home. One did errands with me yesterday, he loves walking around the store and meeting people. The other is a homebody.

    Here is a picture of them. https://imgur.com/a/5tCvQnU/

  6. There really is no divide. Whoever home with her does it all. If we’re both home, we have our specific roles that we’re just better assigned for. We do the same tasks but different variations of it. He has his way, I have mine.

  7. We have one child who is 3 and both work full time so he is in daycare. When we’re all home together my husband plays with him the most and I make the majority of the meals and handle the laundry. We do morning routine and bedtime together so I’d say it’s pretty even

  8. We both work full time so daycare does 80% of our child care lol but when we are home at night or on weekends, it’s pretty evenly split. We take turns with diapers, putting kid down for nap/bed, making food, etc.

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