**I am a (34m) and my ex is a (25m) we were together for 5 years.**

*I am not sure what happened between us, but we never had any fights throughout our 5 year relationship. There was honestly nothing wrong with our relationship if I am honest with you. But out of the blue, he stated he needed to be alone and needed to work on himself.*

Now he won’t talk to me, he’s blocked me from texting or calling him and even on Instagram.


Tl;dr so I guess my question is. How do you abandon someone you’ve been with for 5 years?

  1. They say there needs to be at least 1 negative interaction out of 11 positive in order to be sustaining. Pretty weird eh? You’d think a relationship with no arguing would be the ideal, but it isn’t.

    It’s stagnation. It means there is a lack of engagement, a lack of interest and a lack of challenge and thus a lack of growth.

    Which leads to boredom, apathy which fuels distance.

    So one individual leads to search for something more interesting and it happens all the time.

    Time together is not a measurement of connection. You can be together for 20 years and more disconnected than a furthest stranger.

    So you should be more aware next time.

  2. Sorry for your loss. Your perspective on the world changes so much from 20 to 25. At 25 much less carefree with your eye set more on your future.

  3. You were a lot older than him. 9 years. He may feel like he’s missed out on that early 20s phase and feel resentful?

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