So I am currently in the military and I have a license to carry a gun. I carry one in my vehicle, and I do abide by all applicable laws. I feel like coming out of nowhere and saying that I have a loaded gun in the car sounds insane, but at the same time, I don’t want them to be caught off guard if it happens to be visible to them under some circumstance. Typically I’ve just kept it to myself, but should I start telling women I have in the car that I have a gun? I’m not sure, it sounds kind of bizarre thinking about it lol

  1. Saying you have a gun in the car sounds even scarier than actually finding the gun in your car. I suggest you just hide the gun in a place where it cannot be found by anyone. Probably beneath your car seat.

  2. Or don’t bring it with you on a date. I know guns are legal. They’re not mandatory.

  3. Or…… Your date could be at the gun range.
    Some places have singles night and ladies night.

    We go there sometimes, gun range then dinner. My girl loves to go But go early lanes fill up fast

  4. Want to really impress her pull it out and wave it around. That should lock down a second date at least.

  5. I’d be very weirded out if a guy mentioned he had a gun in his car on the first date. There’s enough women who are abused and killed on first dates. You have no reason to say it.

  6. I would hope that it’s locked in the glove compartment and so there’s no reason for her to “run into it”. That said I think you should mention it at some point so your date can make their own decision about being around firearms.

  7. You’re gonna get a lot of polarized, biased actions here, as it’s… well.., reddit.

    My advice? Feel out their stance on guns first, and determine where to go from there. If you can’t get their honest opinion, plan the first date somewhere in a nicer area to lessen the risk of needing it, and don’t bring it. If you get her opinion on it and she shares the same beliefs, then I’d be honest that you carry in your car.

    Generally, i’d reccomend trying this: put yourself in their shoes in a term of physical security and think about how you’d feel. Would you like to get into some stranger guys car who’s got almost a foot of height on you, with an extra 100lb of muscle more than you do, and have them tell you that they have have a weapon within reach? Can come off and intimidating and taken very adversely.

  8. EDIT: I misread the context as being pulled over by police.

    Typically, in the USA at least, it’s best to offer both the military ID *and* the license to carry when pulled over and asked for ID. The two explain the situation for you, and invite the question from the officers in a manner they feel more comfortable with. Your military ID identifies you as well trained, and your license to carry identifies you as responsible, with the two combined you’re not typically considered a threat. The general rule is if they don’t ask after that, then you don’t have to say anything. Military personnel are often afforded a level of professional courtesy by police when they do the same (indicated by providing both IDs).

  9. Start with taking it out. I get the safety but how often do u use it? U can handle a week to not have it.

    Find out their personal beliefs on guns currently. If they already don’t like it, don’t try to change their mind. Accept their own opinions in it.

    Don’t wait long to tell them. Regardless of their already existing preferences over guns, tell them sooner than later. Waiting too long will be seen as hiding things and make you a much less trustworthy person. It’s also like consent. Allow them to decide if they want to keep seeing you knowing you carry. It wouldn’t be right to essentially trick her by hiding this info.

    It sounds like you aren’t some madman waving around a gun, which is great. But anyone should be allowed to make fully informed decisions about who they spend their time around. If you are honest about everything then no person should have a problem with you.

    I wish you the best of luck.

    Edit: I wrote this thinking u already were talking to a specific person but iv realized ur talking about dates in general. Just take it out if ur going on a date. It would freak me out to be mid-date and find out there is a gun right there I wasn’t warned about ahead of time. You can put it back in after when ur not on dates.

  10. If you’re driving text them beforehand “hey just a heads up, I have a license to carry and often keep a gun in my car, if you’d prefer I take it out before I pick you up let me know and I will!”

  11. If you think it’s something worth mentioning it most likely is. Just think how you would feel if you were in a similar situation with a woman or even a friend.

  12. Personally if I went on a date with someone and they told me they had a loaded gun in the car, I’d internally freak out. There would very very likely be no second date. I’m not terrified of guns, my boyfriend has one in our home and I grew up around them. But you don’t know what kind of person someone is on the first date. Too many people get aggressive when they are turned down. It would make me extra scared to turn things down. I wouldn’t mention it. Or better yet, don’t bring it on a date.

  13. No girl wants to hear that her date has a loaded gun on them unless she has unresolved issues.

    Screening out threats is like their first priority on a 1st date. I support self defense but this is awkward and dumb af.

  14. 🎶I got a 9 millimeter, ready to go off any minute so you feel it, but because of the law I have to conceal it. But if you fuck around you gon’ make me reveal it eh… 🎶

  15. Actually, one of my coworkers and I ordered lunch and I went with him to pick it up. Before I opened the car door he said “By the way, I have my [insert permits and licensing, idr off the top of my head] and keep a a gun in my car, in the glove box. If you are uncomfortable with that I completely understand and we can take your car if you’d prefer”.

    I was fine with the fact he had it. Almost everyone in my state does. But I appreciated the fact that he disclosed it and thought of my comfort before I got in the car and closed the door.
    Maybe do something similar to that.

  16. No, I wouldn’t want to know. I’ll wonder why you’re packing heat all the time and worry you have an arsenal at home.

  17. I… um… How is it that you don’t know whether it’s a good idea or not to tell the woman you’re with that you brought a loaded gun with you on your date? Are you serious, dude??

  18. I’m more worried what the laws are in your state. If your license is a conceal carry and it can be seen you can get in a lot of trouble. They arrested a man because the wind blew his jacket up exposing his gun the corrupt pig would not let it go. The man won and pigs can no longer arrest you in Florida for that BS reason or anything like it.

  19. I’d want to know, and want the option to not ride with you. I’m not anti-gun, but until I know a person better, I have no reason to trust them. Plus, if ever I was with someone who was pulled over or in a traffic stop with a loaded vehicle, I’d be “deal breaker” level uncomfortable.

  20. Bro

    You can go a single night without your gun jfc

    I promise you will be fine on your dinner date without it

    Maybe bring up guns on your date at some point then. But seriously, how do you think a woman would react to you picking her up then saying I have a loaded gun

  21. No you shouldn’t, you ever see its always sunny in Philadelphia?

    Theres an episode where Dennis says you should take a girl out on a boat if you want to sleep with her bc she won’t refuse because of the ‘implication’. I think telling your date theres a loaded gun in your car is going to at the least subconsciously make her consider the possibility that you could use it on her, especially if she doesnt know you well.

    I personally think it would be considerate to tell her that you have your license and ask if she’d be comfortable with that. If she isn’t then maybe you aren’t a match.

  22. I personally think you have a moral obligation to disclose if the person is getting into your car. Also, it should be locked in a place she (and by extension you) can’t get to it easily (she could be crazy as well lol). Same rules as drugs or pets having been in the car (allergies for the pets). It’s a dangerous object, and be upfront and allowing the person to make the decision is valid and right

  23. Maybe ask if they’re comfortable with a secured handgun in the car. It’s responsible and respectful. If they say no, don’t bring it along. As you become closer you can address firearms. But unless someone allowing you to have firearms at arms length during one of your first in person encounters is a deal breaker, someone who would date you and get to know you would likely develop trust. That trust would extend to firearms.

    But some people this is a bug trigger. And if I were out on a date with someone I hardly knew and a firearm became visible… well let’s just say we wouldn’t be going out anymore.

    And there are those that have been affected by violence (suicide, homicide, sexual assult) that the sight of a gun would likely trigger something you don’t intend.

    Remember the basic rules of manners: try to make the other person feel comfortable.

  24. My brother in Christ you already answered your own question lmao. Unless the convo shifts to guns or concealed carry you do not mention it at all, man or woman if you just suddenly bring up the fact that you have a gun you present yourself as a threat.

  25. This would creep me the hell out to be told this as a woman..if you want to say you generally carry and are a gun owner, fine . But directly saying “btw there’s a gun in this car” feels like a threat.

  26. Me personally, I’d rather you say “hey just so you know I have a license to carry and I keep my gun “here”. I’ve never used it/I have used it before in this scenario. It’s for safety and I take it seriously. Just don’t want you to see it without explanation first”

    Definitely don’t take it out and show it but just make it known it is there and what your intent with it is. If the person you’re seeing has an issue with guns, better for them to know off the bat incase that’s a deal breaker. And not to mention how unsafe I’d personally feel if I saw a gun out of nowhere.

    I’m all for concealed carry, but I want to be informed to feel safe around the person who’s carrying.

  27. No no and no! Thumbs down. Do not say anything. I carry with one in the center console at all times… I would never tell someone that. It just comes off as intimidating.

  28. Keep it hidden. Never mention or show it or talk about it. Don’t they tell you that for concealed carry?

  29. I don’t share where I keep my guns or how many I have, but i tend to mention it in passing to weed out anyone who would have a problem with it. “Oh sorry I missed your call, i was at the gun range” or “My buddy and I are planning on going on a duck hunting trip next month” lets people know I’m a gun owner (or at least use them) without making a big deal of it.

  30. If you’re transporting them to or from wherever and you haven’t informed them, leave it at home dude. Once you find out how compatible you two are, then you can introduce the concept of why you think you need to carry a firearm. I think it’s better to be courteous and not worry about it until it becomes apparent that you two might become more serious. Why worry if you don’t need to. Plus you can put it back after the date. But during, just leave it home, bro. It’s a couple hours that you leave it at home. You’ll live.

    Here’s another take. What if she ends up being paranoid about it and somehow is able to get to your firearm and point it at you without you being able to get close to her to get it from her? You’re risking your life too.

  31. Just don’t bring it on dates. It’s a license to carry, not a requirement.

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