I’m a 19 M and have been in and out of a few relationships over the last couple of years. Recently I was at a family event of one of my aunts and whilst there I met a cousin of my cousin. So this person shares the same grandparents as my cousin on the side of their family that I’m not blood related to. We hit it off and I could definitely see a relationship developing. It seems fairly reciprocated that we like each other. But I’m wondering whether it’s in a way incest and that I’m almost dating someone related to me. To make it clear again, this person is not blood related to me in any way but shares family with one of my cousins that I am related to through my mothers side of the family.

  1. It’s a strange thought normally, but this is the internet. And honestly a family reunion hookup could be…. A lot more strange… Than this. I don’t advocate incest, but I don’t judge it either. At the end of the day I personally wouldn’t consider this to be too close a relative, and it’s legal in most places to marry someone at this genetic distance. My advice, sit down and talk with family, on both sides, and ask everybody if they would be able to accept that you and this person like one another and want to see where things go. Then, go slow, and be decent to each other. The first thing anybody in a relationship needs to do is learn to talk to their partner, and communicate honestly about everything.

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