I’m 6’5 and matched with a cute girl who also happens to be the tallest I’ve ever come across at 6’3 – of course we had height related banter and she joked that I just made her height cut off and our kid wouldn’t be able to ride roller coasters then we spoke about travel, music etc and I realised we had some unique interests in common so we made plans to hang out.

Anyway she’s left me on read for a few days before confirming the place – we were supposed to be meeting up this evening

Isn’t the first time this has happened (closer to the 100th time) but I’ve got to say the fact she’s 6’3 and only looking for guys 6’5 and above does make me sigh… because what are the chances she found someone that goddamn tall who she got on with better in the space of a few days?

Probably pretty damn high considering how many guys there are on dating apps and how many guys lie about their height.

Either way this frustrated me more than the usual ghosting because I was so sure we were gonna meet up and have a nice time all things considered, I would have bet a kidney on it ( glad I didn’t) . Guess it shows how unpredictable the dating landscape is.

I know a guy my height has no right to complain about anything ever.

Just venting, hope we’re all having a pleasant weekend

  1. Sounds like you are doing too much conversing over text rather than waiting for the date to happen and you both enjoy each other in-person.

    You came off clingy (or someone with way too much time on his hands) and it turned her off.

  2. people here sound like it is a problem on your side. Maybe it’s actually a problem on her side, and she has unrealistic expectations of what she can get. Especially if she has a height requirement too that requires the guy to be in the 1% top percentile of height.

    My guess is that a year from now, you will have found the right girl. And the girl that ghosted you will still be looking and wondering if she missed her opportunities.

  3. Man don’t feel like you can’t have feelings/emotions/complaints just because you’re tall. Getting ghosted sucks, whether the doctor needs a step stool to measure you or not.

    Yes her dating pool is limited, but you gotta stop beating yourself up comparing yourself to this imaginary taller guy that she’s ran off with. You’re having feelings of inadequacy without even knowing for sure that’s what happened.

    Dating is hard. I’m glad I’m out of that whole mess, because dating (online dating especially) is soul crushing. I’m sure you’re a fantastic and lovely person and eventually someone is going to meet you and feel like they’ve been hit by a freight train that’s how much they’ll like you. If someone ghosts you obviously they don’t feel that way, and you deserve better than that, so don’t settle, 100th ghost or not.

    Pulling for ya man.

  4. Remove the height, what else have you got to offer?

    Don’t make your height, your personality.

    It is good to attract people, but you need other skills to hook them and make them stay.

  5. It probably has nothing to do with your height. Maybe there was just something about the conversation or your demeanor she didn’t vibe with.

  6. My thoughts are that she was joking about the height cut off, because that would be a funny thing to say.

  7. Less than 1% of the population of men is over 6’4”.
    I doubt she ghosted you because of your height.

  8. “I know a guy my height has no right to complain about anything ever”

    So, you’re saying that life is perfect for anyone over 6’5″? I find that hard to believe.

  9. >of course we had height related banter and she joked that I just made her height cut off and our kid wouldn’t be able to ride roller coasters then we spoke about travel, music etc and I realised we had some unique interests in common so we made plans to hang out.

    Honestly, this sounds like very “expected” and generic / boring conversation.

    In other words, nothing exciting / nothing to make her feel excited by the prospects of meeting or getting to know you.


    >Isn’t the first time this has happened (closer to the 100th time)

    So there’s a precedent.

    Post screenshots of the conversation.

    I bet there’s tons of cringey things that you’re saying/doing without knowing it.

  10. I was talking to a guy who made it clear he wanted a relationship..blah blah blah. Than when we were suppose to meet up, he ghosted me. I think he may have lied to me about his height. He told me right away(I didn’t even ask) he was 6’2, but from pictures on fb, either his friends are super tall or he lied. Maybe she lied about her height and doesn’t want you to find out, so it’s easier for her to just ghost you. I wish you luck on finding your special someone, I have been single for 9 years and can’t seem to find a guy that wants a real relationship.

  11. I’m a short guy but you have every right to complain my dude. Dating sucks at all elevations

  12. Yeah I think the “height cut off” thing was her attempt at humour. Being 6ft3, she must know she may not necessarily be able to meet a guy who’s shorter than that. You’ve been ghosted for some other reason, man. Whatever that is, try not to dwell. It’s probably nothing you’ve done and the chances of you getting close from this are slim to none.

  13. Have you ever thought she just didn’t vibe with you? Like, assuming it’s a height issue when you’re literally taller than the average dude is sad af.. Instead of figuring out the real issue, you’d rather blame women for being “shallow”.

    How can every short guy blame height and want to be tall and now tall guys do it too?? Jfc I’ve never been happier to be married and not have to deal with dating..

  14. Heh. You’re jumping to conclusions here on two fronts. One that your height has anything to do with this. And two that you’ve been “ghosted.” If the conversation and interaction has been overwhelmingly good and she’s been overwhelmingly responsive then I would feel totally fine double texting ONCE to make sure the date is on. I’ve done this many times and a good portion of the time she just says “whoops sorry just seeing this ! See you tonight.” And then I have a date. Or she continues her silence or comes up with an excuse in which case you know for sure she’s not interested and can move on.

  15. Your right she probably didnt ghost you because of you, she probably has shit going on. Maybe her exbf hit her up, maybe she realized she’s not ready to date, maybe she is really anxious to meet strangers, maybe she never meets up on dates and you’re the closest she’s ever been, maybe she has a bf and can’t meet you, etc.

    Women ghost men all the time because of their own internal struggles, not always because they found someone better.

  16. Cold feet, my dude. Being 6’3″ doesn’t make her immune to the dame kinds of butterflies as everyone else.

  17. It’s not always about the height. She might have been not drawn to your personality, there might not have been chemistry from her perspective.
    Too many possible factors aside just height

  18. I’ll bet she met someone who is 7’4”.

    Maybe you kind of suck, though? Like maybe you’re boring and lame?

    Maybe she’s boring and lame.

    I can’t believe a guy who’s 6’5” is worried about his height. But hopefully this will show all Reddit’s height-obsessed weirdos that there are other factors involved in dating.

  19. People on dating apps are not REAL until you have met and confirmed they are real.


    So your first mistake was falling for them before you ever met them. They could be liars, they could be catfish, they could be married, they could be drug fiends pretending to be normal.

    All that and more so dont invest emotionally in someone you have never met. They obviously dont invest in you.

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