What’s something you wish you knew before having kids?

  1. When people say toddlers are like drunk adults they were being honest. Kids can make a relationship stronger or break it.

  2. That people would suddenly become interested in your life and feel entitled to your time to see your child.

  3. How much everyone knows how to deal with kids and have the urge that they need to say to you how to raise your kid. Special those with no kids, don’t ever want any.

  4. That everything I judged other parents for would come back ten fold. I’ve eaten crow so many times it isn’t funny. I had a ton of experience with kids of all ages and disabilities before having my own. However, my oldest has a disability that made me realize that I didn’t know shit. I’ve grown, matured, and have learned a lot. If I’d had my second child first, I would have thought I was the best parent ever. Having kids can make you humble.

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