I’m in my early twenties and I haven’t had a lot of alcohol. What can I start with?

  1. Everclear. Once you choke that crap down, anything else will taste like the nectar of the gods.

    This is sarcasm. Do not do this.

  2. Advice: don’t start. I mean, don’t look to start drinking as this can develop into a problem long term. Just have some when the occasion calls for it.

  3. Preference in alcohol is largely based on the individual. You will probably need to try a number of them to figure out what you like and don’t like. To top it off, many are an acquired taste.

    Most would probably start with mixed drinks, as they add flavor and take some of the harshness of the alcohol away.

  4. American beer, it’s like making love in a canoe, fucking close to water.

  5. Beer if you wanna start getting used to alcohol. If you start with vodka you’ll end up puking

  6. Well why do you want to? Alcohol while socially acceptable causes many problems for a lot of people. If you’re naturally not around it, then why start it? Next time you’re in a spot where there’s alcohol then just ask to have what you’re friends are having and see if you like that. There’s thousands upon thousands of different drinks out there eventually you’ll figure out what strikes your fancy.

  7. I’d say margaritas myself. It’s like an adult slurpee that gets you drunk

  8. I didn’t start drinking until I was about 32 (I think). It was gin for me, the smell of it was beautiful; a stark contrast to the stale-piss kind of smell of the pints of lager that are far more common with men where I’m from. Personally, I hate tonic too, so I have it with lemonade.

    Out of interest, what’s your motivation for wanting to start?

  9. My advice would be don’t.. I used to drink a lot it’s part of culture here in the UK. But seeing my fiancées father die from alcoholism it’s enough to put you off for a lifetime. I’d much prefer a tea/coffee now to be honest.

    Don’t get me wrong I still have the odd pint here and there but it’s pointless

  10. Often it’s not just what it’s how. You can have a lot of fun trying other cultures alcohols the way they drink it with the locals. Serbia and Japan go front and center in my mind. I don’t even like Japan that much but I like hanging with Japanese businessmen a lot. Everything is always best with friends and colleagues. Anything you can serve with a story is extra fun for entertaining.

    Here are three fun ones.

    * Slivovitza Rakija
    * Habu Sake (complete with snake!)
    * Grappa

    What are you into now?

  11. honestly, don’t. If you have made it this far without needing to drink, that’s a stone best left unturned. Fact is, alcohol is a drug of abuse that’s responsible for millions of deaths, acts of violence, destroyed relationships, etc. If you can be a nondrinker, all the better.

  12. Chocolate milk.

    really, the idea that you should “Start” now bc of some rando variable like age is a lousy reason to start anything. That you got this far w/o it tells you something, yes?

  13. Try to start with finding a beer or seltzer or cider, etc. that you like then work your way up to liquor. I’m a bourbon guy now, but when I was first 21 I only wanted to drink Irish whiskey exclusively. You get a taste for certain things the more you try different varieties.

  14. I’d start with something that isn’t strong and doesn’t taste strongly of alcohol, something like a cider. The mistake many people make is forgetting there’s a lag between drinking and the effects of drinking. That’s one of the main reasons people end up drinking too much and making themselves ill. Take it slow until you understand how different kinds of alcohol will affect you. There are cocktails that don’t taste alcoholic but will have you under the table if you go at them like soft drinks.

  15. Well, I’m 18 and I’ve drunk beer for breakfast. I would say begin with vodka, everything else will def taste better than it afterwards.

  16. A screwdriver is a classic (vodka and orange juice) you can make it as strong or weak as you like, and the orange juice really covers the flavor.

  17. Try them all but know how much alcohol is in it. I don’t like beer but vodka taste nice to me

  18. Stick with beer and experiment with different kinds until you find one you like. There’s also ales and mixed drinks too but just be careful cuz they tend to have more alcohol in them. I’d stay away from hard liquor until you know your limit. It has a nasty habit of waiting until later on when your deep into those shots to smack you in the face with “fuck I’m drunk, oh God, the room’s spinning, I’m gonna hurl.”

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