When I 42F met my husband 38M last year, he’s doing hardcore logistics work, carry heavy things from warehouse to different supermarkets. This year he will turning 38 soon he changed his job only to work in different supermarkets to unpack the boxes. He told me yesterday the salary is lower.
I can see he changed his job cuz his physical can’t stand the previous job.
When I met him I always work from home freelance and my income is only for myself and I lived with my parents. He always lived by himself in a small place and he pay his own rent. Since 2022 January we moved to a slightly bigger place and lately I start to share the bills and his rent. About 1/3 rent I have to pay this month also I cook and have to buy dinners at home weekdays because he didn’t work in between when he changed his job and I see he’s struggling.
I discovered my husband has a very low self esteem since his job/education background. I love him and he loves me, we are both physically attract to each other and “like” at the first sight when we met. His self esteem is affect our relationship because when he works we lack of sex, he is going through lot of stress cuz his job have no future if he’s getting old he can’t work like this. His plan is ask for his mother money to do business eventually. According to his brother and his father gf information, they said my husband always dream to be a boss before but he lost his family money before and they look down on my husband cuz they think he’s a loser.
Besides I don’t need to worry about money because my family is giving me their house eventually and my works earn good money and I have my own saving. Nowadays I don’t work much because I had a health issue before. My saving amount is something my husband don’t know about it.
My husband have zero saving. Our contradiction is deal to our different education and family class differences.
I see my husband is trying his best to be a good husband and provide me a basic life. However he’s incapable to even taking care of himself sometimes. I have to be take more responsibility to the household. The biggest problem is when he’s working and stress, we lack of sex. Also I don’t see a good future with him. I am not comfortable when ask him to move into my house 10-20 years later when my parents not here anymore (they are 80 now) then he don’t need to pay rent. It’s about his macho and self esteem.
I didn’t think much when married him and now I am not sure if I should continue the marriage now and don’t think about the future or I have to consider the future more?

1 comment
  1. You don’t have to have a fancy degree to make good money. For example, handyman, contractor, plumber, truck driver…etc. Unpacking boxes at supermarkets doesn’t make a lot of money. Has he thought of changing his job to a higher-paying one?

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