I’ve been on the dating scene recently. I’ve met and hooked up with a few people, but no special connections.

Until a few weeks back. I had a lot of mutual interests with a girl on bumble, and we had such a fun date.

Then, we went for a coffee a few days later, which was lovely.

We went out again two nights ago (she asked me out); originally the plan was to go into a pub but she invited me to join her and her best friend last minute…

I had a great night and we had a lot of one on one time, but because I like her so much, I just couldn’t bring myself to kiss her.

Until the taxi. We took a detour to bring her home. She didn’t linger before stepping out of the taxi. I panicked and asked her for a hug, and planted one quick kiss on her lips. It all happened so fast, and idk what to say to her.

Is it possible that she’s also nervous about bringing things to a romantic level? I can’t read the situation; she seems to love our time together but idk about escalating it to a romantic level.

  1. Ah… how sweet. Young love blossoming…

    …the problem is she is already wondering if you are gay because you are so non-assertive. She’s losing interest.

    But don’t worry, there are plenty of young dudes just waiting to sweep her off her feet and treat her the way she wants to be treated while you fumble around being indecisive.

    You want it. She wants it. But you’re scared. It’s as simple as that.

  2. Just start touching her more in your interactions at the appropriate moments to see how she responds. Like a touch on the shoulder or arm when saying something funny or giving her a compliment. Gotta just see how she responds to that. And the fact that you kissed her is a great jump. If she’s not interested she’ll just decline your invitations

  3. Please don’t go listening to the toxic advice some people give in these groups. Especially if it’s from guys speaking on behalf of what women want.

    Assertiveness is good, yes, but you don’t want to bowl in and find out she’s not into it. Try something fairly simple and non-threatening like offering to hold her hand during a movie or a walk. If all else fails, simply say to her “I’ve really enjoyed our time together, would you be interested in us being a little more affectionate?” If she says no, say thanks and move on. If she says yes, you’re all sorted. Sometimes the most awkward conversations are the best ones to have.

    Keep in mind I’ve met guys on dating sites before who have taken me out and even kissed me on the cheek and cooked me dinner and I’ve been oblivious to their intentions and thought they were just being friendly because I don’t see why guys would be attracted to me.

    That’s not to say I’d want them to make a brash move, but if they said the line I gave you above it would have helped a lot. I’m too shy to make the first move these days. Good luck!

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