Okay so about a month ago someone on reddit mentioned that if guys use a pregnancy test, it can help determine if they have cancer and it was on my mind all week. I just had so many questions. Is there a correlation between cancer urine and pregnant urine? Does the pregnancy test think the baby is cancer? If cancer cells spread in a unique, does it become a baby? I was questioning my whole life.

So I decided to try it out myself. I bought a pregnancy test and OBVIOUSLY I did not have cancer nor was I pregnant so that was end of that. I honestly didn’t know what I was expecting from this.

However, my girlfriend came over and saw the pregnancy test in the trash can and I’m sure you can guess how bad that look. She’s very hurt and and said she was even more hurt at the fact that I couldn’t just “tell the truth” but instead taking her for an idiot and making up a ridiculous story. She hasn’t responded or talked to me for the past 2 days and I’m really at a situation here. Even its a huge misunderstanding, but she’s really hurt and I can’t imagine how this would make someone feel. How can I make her feel better and try to explain that I’m not a cheater, I’m just stupid.

  1. I can’t even really believe this story man. What??? I mean… No shit she’s not going to believe you.

  2. “Yeah, I’m a male, yet I decided to randomly urinate on a pregnancy test”.

    Yeah. sure.

  3. Literally what they mean when they say “boys will be boys”

    I don’t know where you guys get these crazy ideas from, but if it helps, my little brother tried the exact same thing a few years back too.

  4. Lol i did this too once a long time ago after i saw it on reddit. I dont understand all the people saying she shouldnt believe you, why the fuck would you have someone your cheating with come to your place to take the test and then you dont hide it? that makes less sense then what your describing happened, yet people are fucking crucifying you, i really dont get it

  5. I saw that story. The idea is if you had cancer, it has the same hormone as pregnancy has, so the test would turn positive. It doesn’t mean you are pregnant or that a baby is cancer. You could send your gf that reddit post

  6. This is hilarious and I’m a girl lol maybe try showing her the post? If she’s genuinely offended that you used one then that is weird I feel like most would laugh

  7. You can see how ridiculous your story sounds right? I’m literally sitting here shaking with laughter and imagining one of my boys doing this. Actually… having 4 boys I can definitely see one of them doing this. Maybe see if you can find the post that convinced you this was an actual thing and send it to her. Otherwise you’ll have some serious groveling to do. I’m the future please, for the love of all the is holy, don’t take medical advice from any online forums. Medical professionals only. As a health care worker, social media is the bane of my existence.

  8. Tell her you’re the biggest flipping moron in the history of the universe to believe everything you read on the internet. Then beg for forgiveness and swear you’ll never do something so stupid again. Then hope she’s as stupid as you and takes you back.

  9. So confront her fears head on.

    Tell her that you love her and you need to discuss her fear. Did she fear you had another woman at your shared house who did a pregnancy test and left it in your trash?

    If that’s the fear, then examine it.

    The pregnancy test wasn’t in the trash at x date and time, and it was at x date and time, so the mystery woman would have had to come and go within that time frame. Is that logical or possible. Why would she do it at your shared home instead of her own home? When would you have had time to impregnate her?

    Fear can be an all encompassing feeling, but it can also be like a soap bubble – one prick and it pops.

    Try not to take this personally – and calmly prove to your gf that her fears are unfounded.

    Once she realizes her mistake and is thinking rationally again, then the two of you as a couple can face the issue of trust and how to increase trust in your relationship .

  10. A positive pregnancy test can SOMETIMES indicate testicular cancer in a man, since the cancer can lead to an increase in the same hormone that leads to a positive pregnancy test in a woman.

    Not sure if you’ve done anything else to cause your girlfriend to not believe your explanation, but knowing how young men sometimes just have to try things they read or hear, it’s not that crazy of a thing to try.

  11. Are we all going to continue ignoring the part where he wonders if cancer can become a baby..? Yes? No?

  12. Wow. Thank god someone on reddit hasn’t said that sticking a fork in a power point cures a hangover.

    Have you looked for the post you’re referencing and shown it to her so she sees you haven’t made it up?

  13. Please send her the post you got the idea from. I’ve seen it before so I know what you’re talking about but chances are she hasn’t. I definitely see why she would think that. Just try sending her the post so she can know you were being a bit dumb, but you’re not a cheater and a liar. And honestly this is kind of funny. Hopefully when you both calm down and are aware of what happened, it’ll be a funny story and you guys can laugh at it.

  14. Send her this post. That you made a post asking for help and admitted it was for something dumb and people are making fun of you for being dumb. If she still doesnt buy it then. Thats probably it

  15. You could have avoided the problem by asking her to try it out. It was hers and they are expensive. Now she is thinking whatever story in her head.

  16. I mean, if i found out i was dating a guy who wondered if a piece of paper thats dipped in chemicals to react to hormones believes a fetus is cancer, ild be looking for someone who has more intelligence and common sense. But thats just me personally (btw im 29 so im much older than i hope OP is)

  17. She thinks you’re cheating on her, so deal with that and not acting like the test really has anything to do with it.

    This is basically just a different version of the misunderstanding that happens all the time: a dude likes to Jack off with condoms and his gf finds a used condom around. Or a little less commonly, a dude hasn’t shared his kink for wearing women’s underwear with his partner and she finds lady panties that aren’t even close to her size hidden somewhere.

  18. She’s pretty ignorant, this pregnancy test for males have been a thing for years idk why she didn’t know about it, dump her.

  19. I read that post about testicular cancer showing on a pregnancy test just in the last couple weeks. Show her the post and explain that you were obsessing about it.

  20. **Some** types of testicular cancer can lead to elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which is what the pregnancy test detects.

    Most types of cancer do NOT cause higher levels of HCG and not even all testicular cancers do. Do not use pregnancy tests to determine if you have cancer or not. It only works for a few, rare types.

    Edit: “OBVIOUSLY I did not have cancer”. You can still have cancer. You can be dying of cancer and get a negative pregnancy test. It’s not very likely since cancer is rare at your age but again, pregnancy tests are NOT cancer tests

  21. Wow you went on a wild theory trip over there, Testicular cancer is associated with elevated levels of certain markers, including hCG, This is the same hormone that’s detected by home pregnancy tests. Now this is by no means a fault proof way, if you suspect anything you should visit a doctor and do some blood tests.
    As for your relationship, it is what it is try explaining to her what happened, maybe show her the post or this post ? , or maybe some articles from the internet to show that this is actually a thing.

  22. On reddit you can view your ‘history.’ Even if you didn’t comment or upvote anything, you can see the posts you opened. The post will have ‘xx days’ at the top. So you can show her, “Look, I viewed this post that was posted xx days ago. I was curious so yeah, I got a pregnancy test and tried it. Don’t have cancer, so we’re all good.”

  23. I know many men who’ve taken a test for shits and giggles-so it is believable… unfortunately it can look to your gf that you’re cheating and potentially got your side piece pregnant- there’s really no way to prove it you’ll just have to rely on her instincts about you

  24. Send her an article from Google about this. I know that’s not a ridiculous story, I’ve heard of that myself. I can understand why she would think that but at the same time, if you had actually cheated why would you be stupid enough to hide the evidence in the house?

    I mean what is she think you had this imaginary other woman over to the house to take the pregnancy test? I mean you would theoretically go to her house. I’m sorry, I just think that she needs to at least hear you out.

  25. I’m surprised so many commenters here don’t know what you are talking about.

    Yes people, it is a thing. A positive test for a man could mean cancer.

  26. I’m sorry but do none of you talk to your partner? Like not even “I just read this on Reddit I’m gonna try it lol”

  27. Can you show her the post you read and replied to with questions on using a home test for cancer? These should be dated around the time you tried testing yourself, and before she found the test in the trash and brought it up to you. This would provide proof of when and why you tried this shortcut way to test for possible cancer.

  28. Is she upset because she thinks you’re cheating or upset because she thinks you’re an idiot?

  29. Ooh, I better not freak you out with the tumor that can grow hair and teeth.

    Okay but I think you should let her cool down a bit but also just show her articles/anecdotes that can help confirm your line of thinking.

    But drop the baby = cancer thing. That’s just dumb thinking and makes me wonder if you’re actually 18 and not 28 lmao. Hell, I’d expect an 18 year old to also not have that line of thinking. But if you have to back up just how dumb you were being, then go ahead and reiterate that point lol

  30. Send her the link to the reddit story where someone actually found his testicular cancer through a random pregnancy test he took as a joke. If she knows you, she’ll know you had to try it yourself.

  31. Show her exactly what post you read, because honestly it sounds made up to me lol. I’m not saying I don’t believe your story but if you were actually worried about cancer that is the wrong way to come to the conclusion that “OBVIOUSLY I did not have cancer”. Positive or negative preg test results wouldn’t even answer any of those questions you have, and especially won’t tell you if you have cancer or not.

  32. This whole story surfaced because some random dude pissed on pregnancy test, the test showed positive result, he found it hilarious so he posted it online and was (correctly) diagnosed as having pretty rare testicular cancer.

    If you peed on a pregnancy test and it didn’t show positive, but you did it because there is something funny going on with your testicles DO CONSULT doctor ASAP!

  33. Send her an article of the pregnancy test thing for men. It also wouldn’t make sense that you’d have a girl over to take a pregnancy test at your place and then also not hide it in the trash.

  34. show your browser’s search history showing that you searched for it EARLIER and didn’t just come up with the story right on the place.

  35. Did you do any google searches about this? Maybe you can show your browser history to show that you were researching prior to taking the test?

  36. Tough luck buddy. You should be in the clear if you just stick with your story and double down and admit it’s not believable but still true and remind her of why she can trust you and you’ll be ok bro

  37. A cheater would cover his tracks better…. and i wouldn’t expect a pregnancy test would be done in your bathroom in a cheating scenario anyway.

    There is something going on about fears and insecurity with her. Is this the first time she worried about whether you were going to leave?

    She could use google re: guys and tests, and you would have the receipt.

  38. Is there any way you can go with her to get the DNA tested from the test to prove it’s YOUR urine and not another woman’s?? That would absolutely prove to her you weren’t cheating.

  39. Of course she is going to think the worst – she found a pregnancy test at her man’s house!! What else is she supposed to think? Oh yea, it was her man who peed on the stick to see if he was pregnant because that’s so common🤦🏻‍♀️.

    That’s like finding used condom in her trash bin and she tells you AFTER you’ve found it unwrapped and used, she was trying something out on her own… WTF 🤯

    You’re in a tough situation, all I can say is good luck!

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