I am a 20 year old guy and a virgin. I am looking to date someone with the same level pf experience as myself (in this case zero experience). Where should i look?

  1. That’s an odd requirement and I think you should just drop it. Sexual experience shouldn’t be the reason why you want to get together with someone.

  2. No point in having a “virgins only” requirement but try Christian/church dating otherwise 🤷🏼🤷🏼

  3. I think you’re really screwing yourself by having a “virgins only” requirement, unless it’s for religious reasons. There’s plenty of non-virgins who either a. have a similarly low (but non-zero) level of experience and are looking for someone with similar levels, or b. Don’t give a fuck if their partner is a virgin

    I know it can feel terrifying that your partner has had other partners (“they’re going to compare me to them & hate me because I’m bad at sex!”) but good partners don’t do that. You might even find women who think your lack of experience is endearing or cute.

  4. There’s next a zero chance of that happening. Shoot even under 5 is unlikely at ur age

  5. As a (20f) virgin, I can say if you are religious, church could be a great place to find someone like you. I will say it would be hard to find someone who both fits your criteria and is a good match for you. On top of that, most women in their 20s, who are virgins/inexperienced, don’t normally like to advertise the fact they are virgins. I think being open to someone who is more experienced than you, can let you find someone who really is right for you.

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