I started college 2 years ago and since then a i made 3 friends , fist they seemed like good persons but in some point I saw many episodes of greed pride and moments where they tried to put me down just for “ fun “ like repeatedly saying things that they knew I would made me angry . The worst part was when one of them literally said in front of me that I was “ to good “ .

  1. Why don’t you try making new friends and slowly cut them off once you have found some good ones. If they are turds now they will be turds later. Better make some lifelong friends.

  2. Drop them. People that are toxic to you aren’t worth it. There are so many people in this world. You’ll find people who vibe better with you.

  3. First of all, when they make fun of you jokingly, they are just insecure of themselves and want to put you down. You either confront them or stay silent and let that eat you up by overthinking. You either cut ties with them or confront abt that and keep moving w the friendship. I also had one girl who jokingly insults me idk y just becuz i have a skinny body and her is really chunky, i never once insulted her or talked abt her weight. I realized that she was being insecure and wanted to make herself feel better by insulting me lol. i felt pity for her, i slowly ignored her and anyway eventually she left the country that i live in due to her personal family reasons.

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