Men of Reddit, what made you happy today?

  1. What’s his face got convicted of both counts of whatever he was accused of.

  2. My daughter. She’s 2 and a half and she will go out of her way to share and make sure I’m always part of what she is doing and shares her food/snacks.

  3. Idk about happy, but I got done some things I was needing to get done for a while

  4. I bought a mystery box of superhero stuff for £24. It had £72(ish) worth of goods inside.

  5. Nothing.

    I just woke up with a nasty headache, a bad cough, a sore throat, and Covid.

  6. Haha Two things today:

    1. “Are you in town? I want to have a beer with you. My treat.”

    Text message from one of the women I’ve been curious about.

    2. “Hey, huggable man – what day and time would you be available to come visit?”

    Text message from another woman I’ve been curious about…which actually popped in on my phone the moment I reached to send a message to that exact person about meeting up.

  7. Me gyali. We ve been together for two years. She snores like a truck and always sleeps fast. I give her kisses and hugs when she is asleep and she always kiss me back but she never remember I’m the morning I am always amazed how she reacts to it

  8. Nothing will ever make me happy again. *Ever*. The best I can hope for is a temporary period of extended contentedness.

    With that said, work wasn’t terrible today. I’ve been tasked with training the newbies and my efforts have proven somewhat successful. They haven’t been employed very long and they’re still learning but they know the basics and that’s good. It makes me feel somewhat content.

    The real test will be tomorrow and next Saturday. I’ve observed that the newbies have a hard time keeping up with the pace when things are busy.

  9. The kitten my wife convinced me we needed to get, that I didn’t want, chose my lap for its afternoon nap. I guess we have to keep the cute little bastard now since I have been pinned for the last 45 minutes. He won’t stop purring…

  10. Played some CS:GO with some lads I’ve known online for two years now.

    Noticed my mood and mental health have been going downhill lately so I got back into regularly gaming and playing with the bois and that has been helping a lot.

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