As the title states, how does one deal with repeated rejection?

Until a week ago I (M33) had a good thing going with a lovely lady (F30) until she dropped the bomb over text that “she didn’t have the time now and for the coming months to see me” and after suggesting we talk about this in person, she has completely ignored me. This was the first in a very long time that I felt had potential… Until it didn’t.

The combination of this and having dealt with multiple “Thanks but no thanks” in the past, has really got me down to the point that I feel unworthy of someone’s romantic love. To make matters worse, all my friends are in longterm, committed relationships in which they’re buying houses etc. I feel like I’m at a standstill…

How do you cope/suggest I cope with this?

  1. stop putting so much importance and significance in romantic success. find importance elsewhere. prioritize other things. cultivate internal self-worth instead of sourcing it externally

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