Additionally, what are some disaster/action movies from your country that you recommend?

  1. I’d say they are not popular at all. In fact, I think they are associated with cheap movies that a certain channel broadcasts on Sunday afternoons.

  2. Dunno about Romanian disaster/action movies, but I can recommend you a pretty good Romanian movie, don’t watch it if you’re too PC, woke.

    I got a kick out of it, I have very few exceptions when it comes to Romanian entertainment because I don’t much care for it, watch **Aferim!**

  3. Feels like that’s the only genre we make in Norway in addtion to war movies. At least when it comes to blockbusters or big movies. It’s become quite ridiculous to be honest: The Wave, the Tunnel, the North sea, the Earthquake. They even reuse a lot of the same actors. But i guess they are decently popular and do well at the box office.

  4. I don’t usually watch Finnish movies but here’s the top five most watched Finnish films of all time.

    1: [The Unknown Soldier]( (1955)

    2: [Kulkurin Valssi]( (1941)

    3: [The Unknown Soldier]( (2017)

    4: [Here, Beneath the North Star](,_Beneath_the_North_Star) (1968)

    5: [Juurakon Hulda]( (1937)

    Many of the most popular films here are war/military themed movies but there aren’t any disaster movies that I know of.

    The Unknown Soldier (2017) has in particular been one of the best war movies I’ve ever seen and I believe a lot of Finns would say that if there’s one Finnish film you should watch then that’s the one. Here’s the [amazon prime video]( page for it.

  5. I would say not popular, neither ignored. We basically follow the Hollywood blockbuster-trends.

    There aren’t a lot of disaster movies made here, and I suspect budget plays a big part in that. Disaster movies are probably the most expensive ones to make.)

    The most famous Dutch disaster movie is De storm. ( []( ), can’t say I would recommend it, but if you are a fan of the genre, it might be an interesting watch?

  6. I suppose for the UK you could list the *James Bond* franchise as our most well-known series of action films.

    Wiki has this list for British disaster films:


    I’m surprised to see *Threads* (1984) on that list. It’s probably the bleakest, most dystopian, horrifying depiction of nuclear war ever committed to film.

  7. They are rare… I can only find 3 Swedish catastrophe movies ever made

    [Deadline]( (1971) – A military cargo plane carrying biological weapons crashes outside a small seaside town. A mysterious mist spreads along with a dangerous disease.

    [The Unthinkable]( (2018) – Sweden is being invaded by hostile military forces

    [Aniara]( (2019) – A luxury passenger ship carrying migrants to Mars is damaged by space debries. Off course and without ability to steer, the ship is now adrift in deep space. (Based on a poem from 1956)

  8. In italy the movie culture is basically dead, italians only wants to watch comedies or the good old movies when we produced actually big movies. So usually aren’t produced very good film in Italy nowadays, the comedies suck and disaster movies are not popular at all, nor are action movies (at least, young people appreciate them more).

  9. German movies are usually either
    – Romcoms
    – Comedy
    – Biographical Movies
    – Hard to understand long movies that are supposed to be “deep”
    – Anything WWII related
    – Tatort

    The most “action” we’ve got is “Alarm für Cobra 11” (a series of crime movies where usually at least 3 cars explode)

    People watch action movies. But usually American ones.

  10. American disaster/action movies are as popular as anywhere else I suppose but do we *make* any? No, not really.

    Austrian movies are either crime (murder), drama or comedy.

    I figure action movies just couldn’t compete with American ones budget and special effects wise. Similar for disaster movies.

    Generally, the the movie industry in Austria is tiny and a lot of it is made for TV crime or drama.

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