I thought it’d be fun to share success stories.

What was something that you struggled with for some time?

What was the process or change you went through to overcome it?

What were lessons you learned along the way?

  1. I lived with severe anxiety w/panic disorder as well as depression. A little over 2 years ago, my life as I knew it was destroyed. A voice in my head told me I wasn’t going to survive the ordeal without help. So I got a therapist and started taking meds to help with my anxiety which turned in to taking an antidepressant.

    I honestly don’t know how I ever made it as long as I did. When I look back on my life it’s like I’m looking through a different person. And I myself am a totally different person.

  2. The exhaustion of dealing with a needy/demanding “friend”. Asserting myself and reminding myself that what I wanted/needed **mattered** made a big difference to my life. I didn’t even “cut her off” in a grand dramatic fashion, but not giving in to her all the time meant that she removed herself from my life, basically, and I was vastly happier as a result.

  3. I am a procrastinator and when my father passed away I was tasked with handling his estate and it was so easy to ingnor the piles of papers on my table.

    I decided to do one thing a day no matter how small. It could be mail a letter or make a phone call and often once I started I would do more than one thing. Eventually it was all take care of.

    I still struggle with procrastinating but if just do a little bit every day it really does make a difference.

  4. Entirely abandoning Christianity in my late 20s was the best thing I have ever done.

  5. My toilet made a weird noise when it filled up the tank after each flush. It bothered the crap out of me for almost 2 years. I got fed up and took a look at it.

    The plumber installed the float inside wrong, I literally fixed it in 5 mins.

    Silent flushes since then, I make it a point to go poop in that bathroom now.

    Fix your problems now, not later.

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