I always get worried about hygiene before doing the deed and what can get me in the mood.
To this day I don’t know proper vagina care I understand peeing after sex but what is your vagina supposed to smell like how do I know it’s clean enough.

  1. If he’s into you it doesn’t matter. Unless you notice an odor that is offensive to you, don’t worry about him

  2. My wife takes a quick “whore’s bath” if she’s in the mood for head, as she’s able to get into it more easily if she feels clean. But if she just wants a PIV quickie she usually doesn’t bother. I do the same as a courtesy if she seems like she wants to give head.

  3. I wash with a bar of soap and water right before having sex. I don’t put any soap inside my vagina. I also don’t use any pH balanced washes, etc. That way I smell clean for my sake and my partner’s. He takes a shower before I come over. Sounds like a lot, but I’ve gotten a UTI once and I don’t plan on ever having another. I also pee before and after sex.

  4. Just shower before sex. It always helps me feel confident that nothing (including my vagina) is smelling. Sometimes I trim, sometimes I shave, and sometimes I get it smooth, depending on who I’m having sex with. Wash with water, thats all a healthy vagina needs, really. Don’t use soap that has fragrance in it. My pre-sex routine is exactly the same as my morning routine, except that I sometimes do it at midnight lol.

  5. I shower. And I love to put on coconut oil ln my lady bits. I also like to put on yummy smelling lotion. I do also pee before sex. 🤷🏽‍♀️

  6. I wash my pussy with water and use soap on my ass because he likes to eat both

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