Sorry for formatting y’all I’m on mobile.
Basically the title, only thing is my gut instinct is like 80% sure he feels the same. We dated in high-school & broke up due to graduating, but we talked about the possibility of trying again in the future if it ever permitted. I was just as strung over him back then too. We’ve both dated other people (I was in a 3 year relationship) , but he’s honestly been the only man I’ve been 100% attracted too physically (I usually would date guys for personality & loose interest very fast) as well as his personality being amazing. We both talked about it and I’m not ready to date again nor is he but we’re just enjoying each other’s company. There’s a slight distance factor plus just trying to get our lives together/focus on school and work. He’s mentioned looking at jobs in my area & POSSIBLY moving down. Since we’re on summer break, He’s visited me and said he will in the future, he calls me everyday or at least lets me know if we can’t , updates me throughout the day, flirting, which he does on his own will. He’s doing a lot of what I’ve wanted a man to do without me asking. We have had sex too which I thought would possibly lead to some issues but if anything we’ve gotten closer. Problem is I can’t get this man off my mind. I’ve never felt this intensely for anyone and I’m loosing myself. I try to distract myself and nothing I do works. I know I’m not ready for a relationship but waiting feels like hell, & I genuinely just wanna be with him. I’ve even seen his flaws and it made me want to be with him MORE. I don’t wanna get wrapped up in this to get my heart broken but I can’t stop myself. I just wanna be with him & only him. Am I gullible?? Wtf do I do y’all I can’t live my life like this I’m going crazy LOL

TDLR; I’m in love w/ my ex. I think he feels the same but this feeling is awful. Neither of us are ready for a relationship but I know deep down I want to spend the rest of my life with him. How do I move on/control these emotions ?

  1. >I just wanna be with him & only him.

    You may not be ready for a relationship, but it sounds like you’re ready for a relationship with him. I think you guys should quit foolin around and get back together.

  2. >I know I’m not ready for a relationship

    So when would you be ready, and what would you have to do to be ready? What about him?

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