Is this even possible? I only remember accidentally squeezing my penis in between pillows when sleeping when much much younger with no sperm yet and could reach the same ejaculating throbbing feeling.

  1. I did this when I was young, it’s generally a bad idea since the jizz needs to go somewhere. It does strengthen your penile muscles tho

  2. Build your PC muscle strength, through Kegels and reverse Kegels, and when you orgasm clench down on that muscle and it will prevent most of the ejaculate from escaping but not all. Your sperm will end up in your bladder. And will get absorbed by the body.

    I was able to learn how to do this. and all it did for me was make me less tired after orgasm.

    So for me no multiple orgasms, still lost erection after orgasm. No spiritual benefits that I noticed.

    So this is intentionally causing a retrograde ejaculation.

    And my orgasms were never better actually they were a little worse.

  3. Is it possible? Yes and no. Can you orgasm and not have semen come out of your penis? Yes, but your body is going through the same physical process of contractions that normally would expel the semen. The difference is that the semen is either being redirected into your bladder or there is nothing to expel because you already ejaculated several times in a short period.

    The idea that orgasm and ejaculation are completely separate processes is unscientific nonsense. One is a chemical process in your brain that triggers the muscle contractions leading to the other. It’s not in your voluntary control.

  4. I can do it pretty regularly if I writhe a bit. Doesn’t quite feel the same but I can make it happen by intentionally flexing / moving my hips / legs / glutes as I fap. Still requires basic edging technique though.

  5. Due to prostate issues requiring surgery, I haven’t been able to ejaculate in years.

    I don’t really recommend the procedure if that’s what your looking for

  6. When I was very young I used to masturbate and reach orgasm but no ejaculation. Then one day when I was jerking off jizz came out it scared the shit out of me. 😂

  7. Anal orgasms. Very little comes out, but you can have pretty much as many orgasms as you want before you pass out.

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