sometimes I fear me saying “I’m bored-” makes people think I’m only talking to them because I’ve got nothing better to do, which is the opposite, when i text someone it means I really wanna talk to them. But me starting with that is just how I go, is it any bad? If so, any other ways to start?

  1. I don’t think it’s rude, but you could try “hey, I’m not doing anything right now, wanna chat?” Or “hey, wanna chat?” Or “hey are you busy, wanna chat?” Or “hey, I was thinking of you, what’ve you been doing?” Or something like one of these.

  2. If I said to you ‘hey I’m bored, wanna chat?’ would you feel a bit of pressure to make an effort to make the conversation interesting? Feel like you’re performing for my amusement instead of just having an organic conversation together? Well, that’s how it makes me feel.

  3. Yeah, it comes off rude. Why even say it like that? There are a ton of other options:

    * hey, how’s it going / how are you?
    * (insert whatever topic you feel like talking about.. like, “hey, did you know __?” or “I just read that ___”)

    You can just start talking without asking if people want to talk.

  4. I think it depends on the relationship you have with that person. My sister and I could text each other that and maybe a handful of friends. But some people might respond better to a simple “hey what are you up to?” Or something like that.

  5. I don’t think it’s rude at all. But you could just ask the people you’re addressing this way; probably not that many?

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