Hi all,

I’m talking to someone interesting via an OLD app and long story short, after a short initial speaking period where I could sense interest, I may have sort of shot myself in the foot.

In response to “U’r funny” , (after I cracked a silly joke), I replied
“That’s very kind. I’m prone to a terrible joke here or there so forgive me if I say something silly”.

Firstly, I feel like I went a bit over board with my “prime and proper” speak and might have given the impression I’m some stiff upper-lip posh somebody who can’t kick it back, crack a joke and laugh. (I have a horrible habit of doing this when I get nervous..). Secondly, I’ve replied to him I think in a way which means he can’t reply.

Have I stalled this conversation or am I over thinking and should I just leave this one be and find someone else to swipe right on?

Thank you

  1. If you micro-analyse every time a conversation stalls OLD is going to be a very painful process.

    My thoughts:
    – Yeah your response was kinda cringe and overly formal word vomit
    – I don’t think you’re missing out on much if all they had to say for themselves was “u r funny”

  2. “So anyway…how was your weekend? Do anything interesting?
    [Insert some things you did]”

    Done. You’re overthinking this.
    To add, your reply was just fine. I didn’t find it “prim and proper”. It’s just a normal reponse.

  3. I think you are overthinking it. We all say something that we deem as a dumb thing to say when thinking back to a convo sometimes. I would just carry on with a conversation about something else.

  4. I think that they’re line “u r funny” is a pretty good explanation of why they stopped chatting.

    I hate talking to people to can’t be bothered to compose more than a two word sentence response grammatically correct.

    Chill out a bit. Ask how they’re weekend was then move on if you don’t get a response.

  5. You’re overthinking it. There’s nothing wrong (or too stiff) about what you said, sounded like a normal response to me.

    Sometimes not all messages needs a reply, so if he doesn’t respond to that, I wouldn’t sweat it. You can either let him message you, which he absolutely will if he’s interested; or you can send him another message in the next day or two. I would however, advice against a generic message like “how was your day/weekend”? I’d message something either witty or more interest specific.

  6. There is nothing wrong with your last message. If it’s how you speak, it’s how you speak. However, your last message didn’t really warrant a further response. Just ask him something to move the conversation along.

  7. Its normal for us to feel like we word vomitted especially in beginning phase where either party is nervous. Shouldnt count it against yourself or against them. Overthinking is the worst.

  8. Stalls also happen when the other person gets busy, it isn’t always about you. Keep that in mind so you don’t stress it. I can take a couple days to respond in apps and have had people do the same. We always just pick up the convo where it was and send an apology for the delay.

  9. I’m on team swipe left if they say “u r” instead of “you are” 😂

  10. You’re overthinking this. Give him a full day to respond. If he doesn’t, bring up something to continue the conversation.

    It’s not like “u’r funny” gives anything to work off of either – so why are you insisting on you doing all the work and carrying the convo and over analyzing your own texts that have more substance than his? Just relax.

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