This will differ a lot across different cultures and places where you grew up in. Now that we’ve got that out of the gate, think about it.

Back in the day, as an average person who spent more time surfing the internet than other people, you would be more aware of the current affairs, basic science/history, etc – basically if you said you knew something, chances are you could speak more than 2 lines about it.
Now compare this to people who spent most of their time hanging out with friends, night-outs, parties and learning stuff about other people’s lives – information that’d be useless out of a specific context.

The internet surfer and the social butterfly definitely talk about different things. But the more important fact is – admitting that you don’t know about current affairs, basic science/history, etc can make you look stupid. So just by talking about things that he’d find interesting, the internet surfer creates a situation where some people have to fake knowing about stuff or risk their reputation – which brings in a lot of hate from these people.

Be respectful when dropping in your thoughts/ideas, since we’re not here to bash anyone, but to understand each other by having a discussion.

Tl;dr: Internet person talks about different things than others. Internet person talks about things that makes other people look stupid if they admit that they know nothing about it. Internet person gets hated and pushed out by other people because he creates situations where others might look dumb.

  1. >admitting that you don’t know about current affairs, basic science/history, etc can make you look stupid

    Does it?

    Or do you just think people are stupid if they dont know certain things?

  2. Nah, I disagree you create a situation that sets people up to look stupid. The only people who feel that way are already insecure about themselves; I have no problem telling people I haven’t heard about whatever they’re talking about. Same as I would have no issue telling someone I haven’t seen a tv show or don’t know who so-and-so actor is.

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