Men, when was the last time you said “I love you” to someone and genuinely meant it?

  1. My recent ex. I admit I fell for her too hard, too fast. But I knew what I knew. And that’s what has made moving on so hard. I remember saying it and feeling like I needed to puke, the nerves were that bad.

  2. I don’t remember. Like I do say it to my wife, and don’t not mean it. But man do I also regret marring her most days. She isn’t a bad woman, we just not compatible.

  3. I confessed my feelings last week. Now I am blocked until further notice.

  4. A few hours ago to my partner before he went to bed! Sure I say it all the time to him but damn!! I do love him.

  5. Last night, when my 2yo daughter said it first while she octopus-hugged me before bedtime.

  6. I say it to my kids and wife several times a day! LOVE my team. Outside of family I said it to one of my best friends 2 days ago. Sometimes there is just no other way to tell a mother fucker you appreciate them man.

  7. To my GF, this morning before going to work.

    And also every single day for the past 9 years. Meant it genuinely every time.

  8. I tell that to my wife once every day in the morning before I go to work and mean it 100% every single time.

  9. I say it frequently and I mean it every time. I was on the phone with my parents yesterday, and said “I love you” at the end of the call and I meant it because I am not going to have them a whole lot longer, they are both pushing 90. I said “I love you” to my GF yesterday before she went home and I meant it then too.

  10. Few months ago, had a bit of closure from an ex. Wonderful girl really, proud of what she’s achieved so far and I hope it keeps on getting better for her.

    Told her I love her unconditionally while I was crying like a shithead reminiscing how far she and I have come from being who we were together to who we are now.

    Will always love that lady.

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