I find a girl from lecture cute. We added each other on Instagram. She’s quite active on there and uploads photos of herself, I was wondering if it’s ok to like her pics or is it desperate/too interested when she doesn’t interact with my posts? Especially after I asked her out and she kept on giving reasons to reschedule.

  1. You liking her photos won’t improve the situation. Maybe upload more interesting photos of yourself on instagram doing cool things. Or going out with other girls. She pulled away from you by not wanting to go out. If a girl pulls you away, you need to pull away too

  2. You liking or not liking her pics isn’t going to change anything. The like function is simply just to “like”…so whatever you decide to do in regards to that doesn’t really do anything either way

  3. First, quit being such a douchebag. Second, forget about her and do genuinely interesting/exciting things yourself. If you capture a cool photo, great – post it. If not, who cares cuz you are having hella fun.

    Once you transform into less of a nerd, you can revisit. For the time being, you have zero chance and each attempt only makes it less likely.

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