I’ve been to talking with a friend about sex toys and they said that most of their toys are from the website. I was surprised, all i’ve heard was that you should avoid buying stuff that goes inside your body from shady places, Aliexpress seems like the last place you wanna buy sex toys from. And so i was wondering what other people think.

So would you buy Dildos\\Plugs from there?

  1. I personally wouldn’t, I’d go to a local sex store if I could, or places like Adam and Eve where it’s designed for sex toys and they’re trusted

  2. I mean I bought some off wish. 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ mostly stuff that didn’t go inside though.

    I did buy some pretty awesome glow in the dark ropes from Shein once

  3. The sex toy industry is unregulated, so even companies that seem reputable sometimes lie about what’s in their products. I wouldn’t trust AliExpress for sex toys for the same reason I wouldn’t trust them to make a pacemaker or surgical equipment: that shit’s going in your body and can affect your health, so it had better be decent quality.

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