So yesterday I got dumped by my gf of 5 months and i know it’s not long to most people but for me this was my first relationship I really had (I’m 18) I basically saw she pulled up to my house and she showed up drenched in tears trying to tell me that she didn’t love me anymore instead of also breaking down I decided to keep my cool till I was inside so she wouldn’t feel awful about her desision this is the first time I’ve really felt heartbreak and idk how to deal with it I haven’t left my bed since if anyone had advice I’d greatly appreciate it

  1. Get outside and get some exercise, this will help you feel better naturally (avoid alcohol or any other narcotics as they can send you into a downward spiral).

    You will be happy again.

  2. Listen to sad music for a few days, spend time distracting yourself with your favorite foods and activities, and most importantly unfollow her on social media and remove her number so you don’t think about her as much.

    It’ll be hard at first, especially for your first breakup. But slowly you’ll notice yourself thinking about her less and less, and one day you’ll find a new girl even better than her to think about all the time

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