Went on two “dates” with this girl, not sure what to do next. She’s asked when I’m free again but I don’t know if she wants to be friends or is waiting on me to ask. How can I ask and not ruin it totally if she isn’t interested in dating?

  1. You say : aight whats the plan
    That way you leave everything up to imagination

  2. “Yeah I’m free on such and such a date”

    “Cool, what’s the plan?”

    Then you make plans

  3. What? You went on 2 dates and she wants to hang out again for a 3rd. You setup the date and on this one you make a conscious effort to be more touchy and go in for the kiss. If she likes you like that and you don’t make some sort of move like this by date 3 she’s gonna think you’re a big pussy. If she doesn’t accept those advances then you know she isn’t interested in romantically dating. Problem solved.

  4. Go for the kiss on your next date. Maybe slip in a “so it’s a date?” and see if she corrects you.

  5. 1. Go do a thing together

    2. During the thing, hold hands and generally make physical contact when appropriate

    3. After the thing, invite her to your place

    4. Once there, make more physical contact. Like, with your mouth. Things should work themselves out from there.

    If she’s not interested in you, you’ll figure it out pretty quickly. I believe in you.

  6. Make plans, be direct once there, go for the kiss when you feel it’s right and get your answer then. You have to collapse that sexual wave function

  7. She is interested you dumbass. Chicks dont ask when youre free to go out if they just want to be friends.

  8. Who did the asking out for these two “dates”? And were they clearly defined as such, or were they more in the “Hey, we should hang out?” category?

    And what were the activities? Movie, dinner? You know, traditional dating stuff, or hanging out at beach throwing a Frisbee? (not that this can’t be a date – but it needs to be defined and understood as such)

    If they were genuine dates and instigated by you, then there should be no worries. She has high enough interest levels in you. If she’s asking you when you’re free, her interest is actually quite high.

    Women, I find, are fairly easy to understand. But men, oftentimes, will misinterpret due to projecting their own interest levels onto a woman they are interesred in, or simply by fear and low self-esteem.

    If a woman is interested in you, it is quite easy to get her number, to get her to accept your dates (or counter with a another day if she genuinely isn’t free on your proposed day – that is a big one).

    So be bold and assertive. “I want to take you to dinner on – insert day here. When can I pick you up?”

    That’s it. Then stop texting her every god damn minute. Nothing kills interest and mystery more than constant vapid communications. Let her wonder what you are up to. Let her wonder if you are thinking about her.

    Anyways, I could go on for ever, but if ever in doubt or need of coaching, refer to Doc Love’s – The system. Silly name, and a bit dated now (he actually talks of answering machines), but the man is a genius at reading women’s actions. And although the technology (social media and smartphones etc..) has changed, human beings, psychology and emotions haven’t.

    Women will always want to be challenged and will always respond to a gentleman who applies it positively.

  9. By the 2nd date you should have gotten fucked by now. If she is asking for another date she likes you and wants more.

    If your “dates” were not real dates and you didn’t get fucked, then plan to go to her place, or invite her to dinner at your place. If you don’t fuck her soon, she will get bored and go find someone else.

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