So long story short, my friend since childhood (who I haven’t seen in like 5 years) is getting married.

He reached out to me recently, and I was one of the first to know before he made the official announcement.

He wants to invite me to the wedding and be one of his “big” guests. Not best man I hope.

My only hesitation is that I’m 26, and still single. Don’t have any friends who are girls.

Does it look out of place to show up to a wedding alone? Should I decline?

Would it be bad to skip the reception and just attend the ceremony?

  1. Totally not out of place (and also a totally great place to potentially meet someone who shares your circle of friends, even if it just ends up being some drinks and dancing). It is way better to attend a wedding alone than to go with someone you don’t know well as your date. Dates aren’t required, and if you end up being a groomsman you might have stuff you need to do for the wedding that would actually make it easier to be there solo.

    Go and have a blast. No one will be thinking about you; all the attention will be on the bride and groom!

  2. Just go solo. Maybe you’ll meet someone, maybe you’ll just have a fun time. Either way you get some free food and booze

  3. It’s your friends special day, not yours. Show up to support him. Of course you don’t need a date.

  4. Go. Have fun. You can fly solo. It isn’t a big deal. You will meet people.

  5. I met my girlfriend of 3 years at a wedding so yes, you should go and have a blast! When you focus on having fun and spreading positivity, good things happen. 🙂

  6. You don’t need a date to go to a wedding. There will be other single people there. He’s your best friend. That’d be a selfish move to decline a wedding invite simply because you’re single.

  7. it is very normal to be single lol you’re definitely overthinking!

  8. Just go. It doesn’t matter if you’re single. That’s your best friend…. Do it for him at least

  9. Yes, you definitely should go. Its your best friend special day and he needs your support there. And there’s nothing wrong in going alone, nobody cares. It’s all about the happy couple.

  10. Uhhhh you are thinking too much about it… hella people won’t have dates just go and enjoy yourself

  11. Don’t decline. This is about your friend, not you, and it’s not bad at all to go to a wedding “stag.”

  12. Oh, sorry, I don’t have a boyfriend. I can’t celebrate the most special day of our life with you….


  13. Man you better go to that wedding. Because it’s not about you, it’s about being there for your friend on one of his happiest days! I’m in a really similar situation as you, except i’m 23… but if my brother hit me up with that kind of news I would be willing and ready at any time, because thats my friend. But if he’s not really a close friend to you then I guess don’t go. My point is, the thing holding you back from going should not be you being single.

  14. A wedding is about the bride and groom getting married. That’s the couple people are there for. Nobody will care whether you bring a date or not. If you don’t know anyone else at the wedding, it might be wise to bring a date so you have somebody to talk with- the bride and groom will be very busy and not have much time to spend with people individually.

    However, it’s completely fine to show up to a wedding single. A lot of people find dates at weddings.

  15. I’ve been to quite a few weddings on my own – got lucky at a couple. I’ve been in the bridal party twice as a solo person and still had lots of fun.

  16. A wedding is an amazing opportunity to pick up women bro. You and everyone are in your best clothes looking great. Generally Music and alcohol and an environment that is conducive to that

  17. Go to the wedding! You do not have to bring a date. Please do not skip the reception. As a member of the wedding party, you may be matched up with a bridesmaid to walk down the isle and possibly dance once during the reception. Life is short and your presence is like a gift to your best friend. Friendship is about being present for one another – sometimes when you don’t want to be there. Someone I asked to be in my wedding backed out and although we are still friends, her presence would have helped to make my day even more special and would have strengthened our bond. As for the date situation, sounds like your friends may be watching to many movies. Dates are not necessary at a wedding. If you want to bring someone to enjoy the day with you, that is fine. Otherwise, you can concentrate on being a part of the wedding party. After the traditional reception activities are over, you can continue to enjoy the reception or leave at that time.

  18. I’ve never heard of this – of course it’s fine to go to a wedding when single!!

  19. Just imagine you’re in the movie Wedding Crashers but you were actually invited

  20. Bro, have you ever seen Wedding Crashers? Of course it’s okay to go to a wedding by yourself and single! Hell, you’re friends basically giving you an opportunity!

    And besides that, it’s about your friend getting married. It’s a celebration of them. Trust me, you being single is not gonna be noticeable! And may even be an opportunity to meet someone for yourself!

    Trust me. You’re thinking to much into it. Go to the wedding, support your friend, enjoy yourself while your there, and maybe meet someone yourself!

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