Hi guys, I have been travelling the west coast for 14 days now and I’ve been in 4 different hotels. I realized that none of them had toilet brushes. Is that normal or have I just been unlucky? The hotels weren’t cheap or dirty or anything. Do toilet bathrooms normally not come with toilet brushes?

And if so: how do you clean after finishing your business? 😅

  1. At first I thought you meant plunger but nope, you want to clean a hotel toilet. Respect man.

  2. We have high enough water levels and sufficient water pressure that we don’t need to use toilet brushes after every use.

  3. I can’t tell if this is like a poop-knife 2.0 thing, but no, hotels generally don’t have toilet brushes in them. The cleaning staff do though.

  4. If you need to scrub the toilet every time you take a shit, you either need to eat more fiber or tell the hotel their water pressure is fucked.

    Anyway, no. Housekeeping handles that.

  5. Here’s my question for you…if your toilets at home are that soiled after each use, how do you clean the toilet brush and do you clean it each time?

  6. We don’t have the dry shit shelf in our toilets like they do in Germany. The water takes care of it.

  7. Most hotels I’ve stayed at at had pressure assisted flushing toilets. You hit the button to flush and it was like a big bang and whoosh.

  8. I don’t think I’ve ever stayed in a hotel in any country with a toilet brush.

  9. > I realized that none of them had toilet brushes. I

    Have you noticed as well that American toilets use about 10 times more water than European ones? That’s probably why toilet brushes aren’t as common over there, it must be harder to leave skid marks with the extra few litres of water.

  10. Typically, hotels get cleaned in between customers. If you do a multi-day stay, they may even clean during the middle of the day. You don’t need to be the one scrubbing.

  11. No, that’s handled by housekeeping. They should be tipped. Do not leave any cash out in the room unless it is a tip though.

  12. The housekeeping staff has toilet brushes. Obviously.

    Are you expecting to clean the toilet yourself in a hotel room?

  13. 1) If you’re painting to the toilet everytime you pinch a loaf, might I recommend changing your diet?

    2) Your hotel room likely had ZERO cleaning supplies because that’s what the housekeeping is for.

  14. Just flush multiple times. What are you doing that a few flushes can’t take care of it????

  15. The cleaning people carry them on their carts as they go from room to room. It’s *their* job. All we do is flush and that takes care of it in more than 99% of cases.

  16. I’ve never even had a toilet brush in my home.. just flush twice if you need to.

  17. This reminds me of how shocked most Americans are that the rest of the world uses bidets. We may have different tools and technologies, but we are in general not the cleanest nation.

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