Hey everyone. Sorry for referring to myself (21M) as a “good looking guy” but ive realized that recently, ive been getting more attention from women. The attention is usually eye contact followed with a smile in most places i go to. Ive also been approached several times which cemented that idea for me. The only thing is i have zero self confidence and struggle with an inferiority complex. Being a “good looking guy” is also something im not used to being. Ever since the age of 10 ive lost all my hair due to alopecia universalis and grew up bald and eyebrowless. This led to me never being happy with who i was which also led to me never befriending or speaking to a girl. Recently however, i started dressing well and working out whilst also getting a hair tattoo so i guess women have been liking my new look.

So now i feel like i have a superpower that i can absolutely not use. Its nice that ive been getting this attention but im devastated that my social incompetency is preventing anything from happening. I feel like im wasting my potential and its making me more anxious and depressed as time passes by and I, again fail to capitalize on the aforementioned ‘attention’. Sorry once again if this post sounds pretentious. Would just like some advice on how to deal with my situation. Thank you.

  1. I was absolutely in the same boat for slightly different reasons until I found the redpill community. You can be attractive all day, but women will only treat you with the respect and attention you feel you deserve (due to your better looks and self improvement lifestyle) when you learn how to properly navigate their games. If youve never heard of a shit test you have some reading or listening to do. Try fitxfearless on youtube or mj get right

  2. Hi, I would class myself as a social chatty person. I am quite used to meeting new people and starting up conversations with people I have never met. Here are some tips:

    – be you and be confident in being yourself. Most people want to see the authentic version of you, so you don’t have to be a certain way, just be yourself.

    – be calm and smiley. Try not to be anxious and go with the flow.

    – most people like talking about themselves, so think of a list of questions you can ask (E.g. what movies are you into? Watching and good series lately? Have you been on holiday recently? What sort of food do you like? What is your favourite local place for a walk?… ). Make sure you are actively listening and respond to what they are saying. Relax into it and don’t just wait for your turn to talk, take an interest in getting to know them.

    – do not go in to a convo with the attitude of trying to pull. Go in with the attitude of trying to make new friends and getting to meet new people. No expectations, so you can relax into it more as there is no pressure.

    – never be afraid to compliment someone. As long as it is not forced in, feels natural and is a genuine complement, people love it – guys and girls. I always tell guys when I like their shirt, or their smile etc.

    Hopefully this is helpful. Ask me questions and I will tell you more tips 😊

    Also, please educate me – what is a hair tattoo? 🤔

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