What online education tool does your country use? Do you like it ? If no, how would you improve it ?

  1. Zoom, BigBlueButton and Moodle. They are all good but I’m not that fond of BigBlueButton, it’s usually only used for smaller groups though.

  2. Entirely depends on what the school/Municipality decides to choose themselves. But we’ve mostly gotten back to normal teaching so generally the only digital tools used are usually Office 365 and all it includes to make assignments and presentations and what not.

  3. Welsh primary and secondary schools have access to a central portal called [*Hwb*](https://hwb.gov.wales/). There are deals in place for schools to use Office 365, MS Teams, Google Classroom and Adobe Spark.

    I remember being at home during the first Lockdown in March or April of 2020, this was announced on one of the Welsh coronavirus briefings.

    Meanwhile, the school I work at in England had rolled out Teams and O365 to everyone, but *not* the full desktop apps.

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