So right before I (M32) started seeing this girl (F30) I was put into one of those massive boots for 3-4 weeks for severe Achilles tendinitis due to a big race I ran and told to stay off my feet as much as I can. We saw each other 3 times last week for dinner, picnic, and then she came over for a while another day and it was great! However, we’re both really big into the outdoors and outdoor activities but I’m just super limited in what I can do right now!

I really enjoy hanging out with this girl and would hate for things to die down just because I’m kind of ‘boring’ in terms of fun outdoor stuff right now. Any advice on how to keep dates interesting while I’m broken? I’ve got one of those knee scooters I’m using but am drawing a blank as to what to do different besides going out to dinner? She’s coming over tomorrow and we’re going to a farmers market and then making dinner and watching a movie but, looking for some more creative dating ideas for an injured person 😅 She’s brought up a couple of times that she’s really looking forward to me being ok so we can go do more stuff together, and I am too!, but have just never started dating someone in this situation. Thanks for any tips!

  1. Sounds like you have a great early dating story!

    There is going out to see live music, show, movies, etc. Sitting at a restaurant or bar should be an issue, right? Get creative and look into a hobby class you could take together that doesn’t require standing for long. Have a picnic together. Play board games, have a “spa night”, do a cook off and bring samples to your next date, find a dinner cruise, go to an arcade or an escape room. If you have public transit near you, ride it to a place you’ve never been. Lots of things that require minimal walking can be done, even if it’s not as outdoors as you want yet.

  2. Well let me ask you…what kind of activities do you do when you have 2 healthy legs?

    I see shes understanding of your temporary limited mobility so thats a plus.

  3. Can you drive to some nature spots where you could set up a picnic and relax with a book while she goes for a short hike and then you guys have lunch/dinner together?

    How about watching some of outdoor films together? (I recommend Flight of the Frenchies, came out several years ago.) Then you could talk about trips each of you would like to do, what kinds of adventures you want, etc.

    Anything hike-adjacent would encourage similar conversation and feelings but wouldn’t require you to be mobile.

  4. You could do a scenic drive. Check out if your city has museums which are open to adults only for a certain day of the week. Stand up comedy. Shows or concerts. Stargazing.

  5. Awww! She’s most likely dating you for YOU, because she wants to spend time with you, not because of the outdoor activities. 🙂 There are lots of indoor activities to do. You could do a puzzle together? Cooking something fun? Create art? Board games, video game competition (if you’re into that). I can’t think of anything else off the top of my head right now.

  6. Stargazing, scenic drive, go to a park and set up hammocks, picnics, kayaking or canoeing. You could also do indoor activities like axe throwing or board games. Maybe an escape room.

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