My best friend F(19) and I F (22) have been friends for almost three years last year she stayed with me for a few months we literally used to do everything today but we also used to do crazy stuff together like making out and sexual stuff we even had a threesome we’ve talked about it many times that it means nothing though there was a time I told her I had feelings for her but she told me she can’t be with me because she’s straight (we’re both girls) though we still hooked up times after that we’ve had fights and lot of crazy stuff she’s posted me online and told her close friends really bad things about me I forgave her but she secretly tells people bad things about me and I still forgave her last year we were getting okay making career plans together. Mid last year she met a guy who I was supportive of in the beginning but then she stopped seeing me and going out she moved in with him but texts me sometimes and then She eventually told me she’s pregnant a week before she gave birth I’m confused because I feel like she’s being a bad friend I felt weird when I knew she was pregnant I felt angry jealous of the baby (ik I’m weird) I felt so betrayed and alone. but I’m also thinking that maybe she told her boyfriend about me and the crazy stuffs we did that’s why she’s not including me in her life anymore ( her boyfriend also knows she used to sleep with men for money and they fought about it before) im confused with what to think she hasn’t invited me to see the baby it’s been 2 months she doesn’t even hang out with me not even a call whenever we talk on phone she drops the call on me and doesn’t listen to me about my problems she literally only messages me with memes or gossips. I don’t know should I let go of the friendship anytime I’m about to let go she comes back messaging me or finding a way to remind me of all the things she’s done for me and how ungrateful I am for not understanding her Idk what to do. I’m not sure if I have feelings for her that’s why I feel this way or am I just wanting my friend back.

  1. Yes, you did make the right decision. She’s not a true friend to you, and your gut instinct is absolutely correct to kick her out of your life.

  2. Sounds like it was a very complicated relationship and she doesn’t seem like a very good friend. Friends should be there for each other and she doesn’t share her life with you and doesn’t allow you to share yours. What’s the point in that?

  3. That sounds like one wild ride. I think the friendship has run its course though. These things happen and you both seem like you want different things in life plus, also seems like there’s allot of toxicity. I would put it behind me and move on

  4. Looks like you are way to attached to her, I say end the relationship with her. At first it will he hard but after a few months or years you will feel so great that you chose to end it. It’s literally unnecessary stress, you don’t need that shit.

  5. I’m worried about the baby here, she better be a decent mom

    OH and yeah leave her. It’s just toxic and they’ve drifted apart from you. Seems like only you valued the friendship. I’m sorry

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