I (18F) broke up with my ex at the start of the month. We’d dated for about two months and I ended things because it didn’t feel right. He wasn’t a bad person or rude to me, but I couldn’t see us going any farther then what we were. Now I’m eyeing my coworker on my job, and I want to ask him if he wants to hang out sometimes just so I can get to know him, but deep down inside I feel like a bad person for getting over this so quickly.

I didn’t mourn or cry or anything I just stopped things, tried to return their stuff and started going out more. What does this mean? Did we even like each other if I feel nothing (but guilt) when we split?

  1. > I didn’t mourn or cry or anything I just stopped things

    I would be more surprised if you did cry when you were the one who choose to break it off.

    > but deep down inside I feel like a bad person for getting over this so quickly.

    I would only say you should feel guilty if you artificially prolonged the relationship when you knew it wasn’t going to work earlier on.

  2. It doesn’t mean anything. Crying, mourning the relationship, taking lots of time is how media portrays break ups and how a lot people imagine them, but if that’s not how it works for you, then it just isn’t. You are under no obligation to perform a “proper” break up, if you don’t want to want. You have fulfilled your duty to the other person by being honest and letting them know you don’t want to be with them anymore, from that moment on you are free to move on at whatever pace is comfortable for you.

  3. After 2 months you don’t even know anyone enough to love them. I don’t think you have to worry.

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