When it comes to morning sex, my wife wants morning sex. I’m a night sex guy. However whenever we have sex in the morning I cannot reach orgasm. I can go and go and go…. No orgasm. Night time no problem, sometimes almost too early lol. But the mornings I might as well be a marathon man. Which is nice however I’d like release also.

  1. Does it bother you if you can’t get off?
    I have the same issue but I’m still horny and hard, I still enjoy the pleasure of the interaction and let’s face it what woman wouldn’t want a longer session. If she’s discovered your not a 3 minute wonder at 6am tuff luck princess, she’s going to take advantage of it, and good for her.
    If there’s something you would like her to do to give you more pleasure then tell her.

    My wife has completely unscheduled horn attacks and she knows what to do to get a reaction & knows how to satisfy herself. I don’t care if I get off.

  2. I can never predict when my system is going to politely allow me to build to orgasm. It’s forced me to focus on the “journey” rather than the “destination”. I’m a little jealous of those who can come consistently but I have to play with the hand I was dealt.

    I think orgasm style/timing/speed etc., varies a lot among us humans.

  3. Try peeing first. Full bladder can affect it. Also, testosterone is at its max at 7 am :).

  4. I’m a guy and I’ve always been a morning person myself. Of course, there is nothing wrong with being an evening person that’s just who you are. Honestly, I could be a morning, lunch and evening person. That gets a little frustrating sometimes though.

  5. If I jump on him first thing in the morning sometimes he can’t get off. Now if he’s used the bathroom been awake for a little bit he can.

    I take full advantage of this.

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