So I’ve always thought this and maybe I have it backwards.

Me personally I have big social anxiety, introvert, usually super bad at making first impressions.

It’s a lot easier to let my guard down once I get to know someone for awhile.

However, I was told by some that if you are going to date a girl, you need to make your intentions clear and not treat them like a friend.

My theory was, if you are not the most attractive, if you become friends with a girl first, she will fall in love with your personality.

What is the truth? Do you date your friends, or become friends after you date?

  1. > My theory was, if you become friends with a girl first, she will fall in love with your personality.

    This isn’t impossible but most of the people who take this path don’t build the confidence to make that move later on. There is also the possibility that they would rather continue the friendship than risk having a relationship.

    You will usually be better off going in with dating as the intention.

  2. Generally, no. There’s exceptions to everything but usually if you start in the friend zone you stay in the friend zone. So if you want to date, don’t put yourself in the friend zone from the get.

  3. If you’re a “nice guy” she’ll want to be friends first. If you’re a bad boy, she’ll be naked on her back with her legs spread.

    When a girl says anything related to being friends, you are friendzoned. Find another girl immediately if you want a romantic relationship.

  4. The problem is that most people who are looking to date, aren’t looking for friends, so if you don’t declare your intention to date, you’re out of the game. Plus if they don’t find you physically attractive at all, then it’s very likely that no amount of personality will make them see you romantically, because physical attraction is an important component of a romantic relationship for most people.

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