What is your ideal dream girlfriend like and have you already met her?

  1. I don’t know but I would love to have some long hugs and cuddles in that relationship

  2. Smokin hot. Loves boats, cars, video games, sex and beer but ya wouldn’t know it because she doesn’t talk.

  3. Virgin, chubby, taller than me, brunette hair, thick thighs, small boobs, shy, likes Terraria and Stardew Valley, loves me.

    No, i haven’t met her.

  4. Cute, funny, caring, wants to work as a team, loves movies, walks really fast because I do that too

    And no I haven’t

  5. I have a problem where I can find something in most women that makes me think “that’s a wifey right there…”

  6. Funny, smart, kind, dark hair, dark eyes, 5’1 petite – met her 25+ years ago and still going strong.

  7. Nerdy, quiet, with similar interests to mine and interested in me. Not exactly demanding regarding looks, but past chosen ones were pale white and used glasses.

    I met 3 of those, and all of them left my life. I don’t think I’ll meet a fourth one.

  8. Nerdy, stronger than me, same/similar body type (so we can share clothes), loves games, and a bit of a gossip.

    Because I would love to talk about that bitch Jessica.

    No haven’t met her yet. I need to actually put myself out there.

  9. 6′ tall, voluptuous, curvy, blonde, green eyed, golden skin, soft voice, crazy af, knew how to ride me, paid for pizza after. Yes, I met her, 15 years ago. Makes dating now kind of hard.

  10. Cute and hot, someone who loves nature and sports, love reading anything, it can go from poetry to lame books just to pass the time, someone who loves to question things and make me question myself some others, she could do some kind of arts; love partying just as I do and of course a great sense of humor.

    Most my dates have had most of them but not “all”, I’m ok with that.

  11. I’ve met woman who’s personalities are 10/10 but I’m just not attracted to. And some who are physically 10/10 but I can’t really be with.

    So I’m trying to find a good mix of the two.

  12. I can dream things that are literally impossible, so, no, I have not met the perfect woman.

    Haven’t met a perfect man, either, for that matter.

  13. Athletic and nerdy, yes I’ve met about four women who fit that.

    1+2) already taken

    3) two dates, she wasn’t in the head space for a relationship. Moved back to her home town about 3 months later.

    4) dated for about a year, our life paths diverged.

    Not one was met through online dating. All were just extremely lucky happening. Gives me less hope to salt l actually find the one I’ll be long term compatible with.

  14. Yes I did! But she moved back home 5hrs away. We still talk but too hard to make it work rn.

    I’m a patient guy. I’ll get her one day

  15. Smart, caring and a little adorable.

    Yes, ive met a lot of women like that. Lots and lots, actually.

  16. I have no idea, I have not met anyone yet, and if I start putting down hard requirenments without knowing why or even if they apply to me, then I may miss someone.

    From what I understand, a good partner is made up of different attributes, that make a good combination, rather than specific things.

  17. 5’10” or taller and works out, listens to rock/metal music, has her shit together, is into all the white trash things I do, has similar beliefs and values to me.

  18. Kindhearted. Affectionate. Intelligent. Kind of an old soul. Chatty but putting real thought behind her words. Understanding of my flaws as well as her own. Has an exuberant joy for life on the outside, but a calm wisdom dwelling behind her eyes. Knows that happiness can be found in enjoying the simple rewards of life.

    I have never met anyone like that.

  19. I’ve met several women I’d have considered my ideal dream girlfriend and all turned out to be fairly shit people. I’ve since learned that the best girl for me may not necessarily be girls I’d have thought of.

    But to answer, my ideal girlfriend is probably not white (preference, don’t give me shit over that), is definitely geeky, maybe slightly alternative, likely doesn’t wear a lot of makeup, is sexually open minded, introverted but outgoing enough to inspire me to get out more, and above all else, actually makes an effort to talk to me and make me feel loved.

  20. Yes and no. My ex wife and I started dating when I was still 19. We were best friends, and always so in tune to each other. However, as the years passed, we both grew up, and apart.

    Now I’m dating again (kind of), and can more accurately describe an ideal GF/life partner.

    An attractive, fit(ish) woman, who works out, but doesn’t live in the gym AKA – Her entire personality isn’t being a hot/fit chick. Someone who has her life together, a good job, but not constantly grinding for the next promotion etc. Someone who’s a little more of a homebody but still wants to go out here and there, as well as travel. Someone who loves animals, music, nature, and doesn’t mind watching history, or science shows with me. Confident, content in herself/on her own, shares similar core values, and wants to live life as partners/equals.

    Mostly, I just want a woman who loves me as much as I love her… and no, I don’t think I’ve met her yet.

  21. yea I’ve met her.

    we’re not together anymore

    she’s still amazing now and forever

  22. Cute ✔
    Caring ✔
    Funny ✔
    Relatable ✔
    Already friends ✔
    Probably doesn’t like me ✔

  23. I don’t think “ideal” people exists. the term says itself, “ideal”. Most of the times Ideal can’t be reached/met. people will always have Something you might not like just a tiny bit.

    That being said…. Yes, I did met her and we hook up for 2 months.

  24. She’s just that, a dream.

    The day I meet her is the day I forget to take my meds or die.

  25. I don’t believe in checklists when it comes to relationships.

    The most amazing girl I’ve met in my 28 years of living I didn’t take seriously at first. I was just trying to get laid and she was there in front of me.

    My ideal dream girlfriend is one that makes me feel something, and just because they check all the boxes doesn’t mean they can do that.

  26. Just be pretty, a virgin (or at the very least share the same views of sex as I do), be able to make decisions if I’m not there, and kind/caring.

  27. At this point, it’s down to compatible, mutual attraction, no Instagram/Facebook/Twitter/not constantly on her phone in general, not materialistic, doesn’t take herself too seriously, good sense of humor, and body count the same as mine or lower.

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