I just about coped with S3 but S4…

  1. There’s multiple timelines. I don’t want to spoil it.. But it’s about 20 years between the two. They’ll all line up by the end. I think it’s a great return to form.

  2. Vaguely I think. I’m pretty sure I know what’s going on but I’ve been wrong before. Brilliant though!!

  3. Loved season 1….season 2 massively down hill and I gave up, can’t even imagine which direction season 3 and 4 have gone in

  4. Yeah, I get that there seams to be two diffrent timeliness going on, the one with the flies and a attempted host takeover of humanity and the post takeover resistance where Bernard is… That’s about it tbh.

  5. Absolutely loved S1 and most of 2, the shift in S3 didn’t sit with me and I gave up.

    I remember sitting on the edge of my seat watching the safe heist scene for the very first time whilst the piano version of Paint it Black played. That’s the Westworld I was after.

  6. I m taping it so not watching it yet but never really know what the fuck is going on at any point really

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