Warning Sensitive topic pls do not interact if sensitive to sexual assault and stuff.

I’m scared,
he took videos of when we had intimidate time.
And today my friend told me that he sent her a video of me to her long ago. I couldn’t belive this… becouse few days ago he texted saying nonsense like ” you should be glad that I’m not spreading your videos around “.
There is alot I can tell you but I will list them out quickly so itll give you an understanding of what type of person he is.


Sexual assault


Threatening me

Stalking me

Accusing me of cheating

Calling me a slut while we were dating for no reason.

Leaking pictures videos of me

Saying its a men’s need so I should have sex whenever he wants it. This really hurts….

He told my best friend that I’m bi when I clearly told HIM NOT TO. I especially obsessed about it becouse I had bad experience with it and I was going to tell her when I was ready. I didn’t know he told her until few weeks ago! My friend told so late becouse any time she would bring any convo with sexuality I would brush her off quickly because I was scared.

I feel scared… I’m just crying and not knowing what step to take next. Im really scared of him spreading the vids. I thought he deleted it ages ago? When he first took them which was like 2yrs ago when we first started dating but no….
Leaking pictures wasn’t such a big deal becouse it dosent have my face in any of them but videos is out of control becouse he took them however he wanted.

I’m thinking if I should go to his house tomr.
But I heard his travelling at the moment.
And his also going to move house soon so I need to confront his family and him quickly. Should I? I can’t think of any other ways.

My bf said he wants my attention like always so I shouldn’t do anything. He suggested to get restraining order if I can, he wants me to get At least the police involved someway now.

  1. Sorry if my English sentences sound wacky, I know I’m not the best at writing spelling mistakes and grammatical sorryyy.

  2. hey there! im so sorry that this has happened to you. at the very least make sure that you can be in a safe place away from this ex. from there, you can explore revenge porn laws in your area (especially if you’re a minor) and see if you can involve the police. a restraining order isn’t a bad idea but depending on where you are can be notoriously difficult to get. if you’re going to confront him at his house, please consider taking someone else with you, especially if he will be alone. if he is indeed traveling, you can at the very least check with his family to see if this is even true, and can share his behavior with them. whatever you decide to do, let someone else close to you know what you’ll be doing and where you’ll be to keep yourself safe.

  3. Contact a domestic violence organization. They might be able to give you advice for potentially dealing with police or advise you about relevant revenge porn laws. Tell your friend not to delete the sex tape, because you need that as legal evidence.

    Do NOT go over to the guy’s house. He’ll just use it as another opportunity to hurt you.

    What country do you live in?

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