I’ve (22) been going on dates with this guy (29) for the past three months. At this point, we know each other’s friends and have told each other our feelings. Where do I begin with the “what are we” talk? Any advice or best practices are appreciated.

  1. Three months is a long time. At this point you both know each other well and I think any way you bring it up should be fine. I had the “what are we” talk with my boyfriend after a week of dating. I literally blurred out “So… what are we?” half as a joke. Then he said “Well, I’d really like you to be my girlfriend” and that was that. Directness worked for me and I think most guys appreciate directness. Of course, use your best judgement and feel out the vibe 🙂 Good luck! You’ve got this!

  2. Be direct and ask. If you want the round about way bring up a couple you or him know that recently got together, mention how cute they are or how one of them just seems to keep hopping from relationship to relationship and in an irritated outrage ask “how long has he/she been seeing each other this time?”. You can use it as a jumping off point. Just need something that you can steer into a conversation about relationships. Good luck.

  3. Do you want a title? Expression of exclusivity? What is it you actually want?

  4. My previous relationship I just told her after 4 dates that I wasn’t seeing anyone else. And she told me the same. We became exclusive & just kept on seeing each other 1-2 times a week. Asked her a month later to be my GF and that was that.

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