Currently I’m 19 years old and I’ve had no friends growing up, idk friendship has always been difficult for me but In the recent years I managed to befriend 2 people on the internet and well now they’re fading away. The main issue is I’ve spent 2 years in college now and I haven’t made a single friend yet, I don’t even feel like talking to people there. It’s not like I cannot talk or anything I’m a really good student as per my teachers and I have no difficulty interacting with teachers or giving speech in class.It’s just when it comes to other people in college I don’t feel like talking to them at all, idk I feel like somehow I can’t relate to them anymore.

  1. It will wear on you after a few years.

    Source:am 24 digging myself out of that hole. I did have friends growing up tho, so I know how good and bad it can be to have people around. But trust me, humans are social creature. Unless you have a severe mental disorder that makes you impossible to connect with…but you wrote this so you likely don’t have a hard time forming complex rational thoughts. Do try and meddle in being social some. You will hit a lot of roadblocks and get burned some bad people maybe, but there’s nothing in this world like a true friend or a lover. You haven’t lived till you loved and been loved.

  2. I encourage you to keep trying to connect with people and make friends. I know you want peace, but truth is being friendless is a worrying situation, and you should try to change it.

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