I think I have vaginismus but I’m too young and scared to go to a gynaecologist. I can’t ask my mother, I come from a conservative family and I don’t have any older sister or an aunt who could help me. From what I’ve read online, it’s not harmful. I tried menstrual cups and tampons and couldn’t properly insert them in. My girlfriend and I tried using toys but she also couldn’t insert it in. I’d really like any advice that you have which could help me deal with it. Any exercises or anything basically? Also, I don’t have any past sexual trauma and I’m 100% comfortable and willing to have sex.

  1. Dilators seem like the best option. I wouldn’t recommend buying just any kit though; talking to your doctor is essential for getting a good kit. When you’re at your next doctor’s visit, ask if you can speak to them privately, which should be allowed, and confide in them

  2. Go to a doctor, just to rule out any possible medical issues. They will give the best advice on how to deal with the problem.

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