They say that women require emotional connection to have sex, but men feel more emotionally connected afterward.

Men, how do you feel after having sex with a woman you love? What is it about the act that makes you feel that way?

  1. Definitely feel closer afterwards, not that I feel distant before, but it just reaffirms things I guess.

  2. I wouldn’t say require emotional connections. Or maybe I’m the odd ball. But I can fuck someone I have no emotional ties too, even someone I can’t stand if I know the sex is good and I need an orgasm.

    Now sex with my husband I need to feel the emotional connection afterwards but then it might be because things tend to get pretty rough between us sometimes/ also have any open thing going on. So I need that loving side afterwards with him to know we are still good.

    Again. I’m probably the odd ball female

  3. Seems like a generalization that might be based in stereotypes instead of reality.

    Who is the “they” that says that?

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