My mental health has been a little off the charts lately, problems at work, home, and other things I won’t discuss here. Anyways I saw a girl that was flirting with me, she was fine, and I had the chance to talk to her like 3 times in this store but I chickened out. My mind is kinda foggy today and I think I’m ugly and a bunch of other things. It sounds like coincidence but every time I’m feeling down I have the chance to approach someone, but when I’m optimistic and fired up I never find myself in situations like this. Anyways I just wanted to vent. I’m getting tired of life I never get what I want. And it isn’t that I’m desperate about this, it’s a lot of things mixed up I’m 22 and couldn’t even finish HS due to my dad who I don’t talk to anymore, my life’s failed greatest dream to become a physicist and fights at work is just too much for me to handle, I work a lot to pay my bills, can’t afford certain things etc, nonetheless I keep striving for what is good for me. It’s just a bad day.

  1. Oh man, I can relate to that feeling of opportunity and preparedness _never_ seeming to align. It seems the best way to combat that is to always go out prepared and open to opportunity, kind of like the boy scout motto.

    Yeah, that seemingly makes it take even *more* energy to get yourself to go out at all, but I guess all you can do is practice.

  2. In life things will go badly and at your age understandably you are trying to figure out why. It will get better and then hopefully you will be in a better state of mind. I would try to fix the issues at work and home first. Perhaps see your doctor too.

  3. To be honest my bro right now it just a matter of you getting life together because the earlier you start the quicker for a life changing and as far the girl if shes yours that shit gunna come to you ….peace my bro ..keep ur head up

  4. Yeah you don’t want to be hooking up with people on a bad day. The people you’re attracted to on your bad days probably aren’t the right people for you.

    What “happens” in your environment is just as much a result of perceptual filters as it is a result of variations in the actual environment.

    Maybe you’re trying to use sex as an escape and that’s why you see girls flirting with you when you’re down but not when you’re up.

    I see my bong flirting with me when I’m down. When I’m up it just sits there, inert, not inviting me.

  5. Maybe you could still join the army and get them to pay for schooling so you can become a physician.

    Try to believe that hard work pays off.
    Read some self help books on dating and finances. Try dave Ramsey.

  6. relax, an opportunity will come again, something similar happened to me one day on the bus station, in my case was that she actually started to talk to me, i tried to “maintain” the conversation, but i got shy, and i my mind was blocked with nothing to say.

  7. >I f*cked up, didn’t have the courage to approach a girl.

    It’s one girl. There are probably at least a thousand more on earth. No reason to care about one missed opportunity.

  8. I approached my crush and got rejected.. I don’t how to call that rejection but he did not show any interest.

  9. Having a partner won’t make you happy. Look up hedonic adaptation. Make sure you’re happy before entering a relationship. Plus it’ll make you more attractive. Good luck

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