My bestfriend of 13 years treats me like shit. She hasnt always been this way but in the past few years Ive noticed she has gotten way to comfortable in this friendhsip and treats me like her punching bag- She puts me down, judges me harshly, lashes out of at me at the drop of a dime, constantly be littles me and talks to me like i am beneath her, and starts fights over EVERYTHING. i have to walk on eggshells in this friendship. She mostly says that she is more succesfful then me (which she is) but she says she only wants people in her life who are on the same wavelength as her and I will never be as good as she is. And if thats how she feels, then fine but she is sooo extremely mean to me about it and then when i call her out she says “I am telling you all this because I want whats best for you” sometimes she apologizes and admits she was taking her insecurities out on me but then does it again. She is my longest and closest friend but I have spoken to her about this multiple times and nothing changes

  1. I’d tell her to fuck off until she realize what shit person she is towards me. It’s unbelievable what people endure for others. It’s simply not worth it at all.

    Think about yourself for a change.

    If after 10years a person is still like this to me I’d blow my head off. Sorry but fuck people like that

  2. Ghost. Stop giving her a cross to your emotional buttons. Cut off every social media window into her life. You can’t change her, so change your response.

  3. I find it difficult to change such kind of people in my life especially those who don’t want to listen to someone else. Better make a distance from them and cooldown and talk your way. If they are not ready to reciprocate your feelings, better cut them off.

  4. if you negotiated about it properly with her and she didn’t listen then the best option is to ghost her and cut her off completely and go make other friends. i went through the same thing but we were only friends for 9 years until i got sick and tired of her and stopped hanging out or talking with her and she confronted me about it and i told her the truth and now i have way better friends and i feel better

  5. I’m very sorry to say, but it’s highly unlikely you can fix this kind of “friendship”. Because over time, it seems it’s changed from a friendship to exactly as you say, being her punching bag to lash out at, not her friend.

    Cut contact. Maybe she’ll reach out in a couple years with an apology, but maybe she won’t.

    Put your energy into healing from this chapter closing, and into having the best next chapter you can.

  6. Usually I tell people that in relationships, “people don’t change, YOU DO…”

    It probably just took a little while for you to notice the escalating abuse from her. However now that you have, weigh your options. Is your life better or worse with her in it?

  7. That’s not what a friend is, so you don’t have a friend, there… you have a toxic person that you have allowed yourself to become attached to.

    Allow yourself to become unattached from them, and start questioning why you felt you deserved to be treated that way in the first place.

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