Recently my hormones have been going crazy, I experienced a sudden spike in my libido and strangely was very confident in wanting kids in the future.

While my boyfriend (21) of 8 months and I (18) were doing the deed I felt so loved and accepted and suddenly uttered „I want to fuck you for the rest of your life“. He seemed to be a bit turned on by it, but I got super embarrassed about it. We stopped and he asked me what’s wrong and I explained that I shouldn’t have said that. He said that I’m not a short term situationship and that he doesn’t mind that I said it, but at that point I already had a tear rolling down my cheek because I often think that no one would keep up with me for so long and because I’m his first girlfriend, so it’s unlikely we stay together for the rest of our lives. He’s asleep as I’m typing this. I’m so embarrassed. What do I do now?

  1. There’s no reason at all to think you won’t be with this guy forever. You can’t read the future so there’s no point assuming things like that. Take each day with your partner as it comes, enjoy your time together and try not to worry about it ‘lasting’ forever. You said what you said because you meant it at the time and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

  2. They are correct don’t let what-ifs bother you and just wait to worry.? You’ll find out overtime that there is hardly anything to worry about. Just enjoy yourself and have fun.

  3. There is no rule against marrying your first partner. It is not an improvement to tear down the old puritanism and replace it with a new set of arbitrary rules about how you can and can’t have sex.

    But almost everyone has said something excessive in the heat of the moment. That doesn’t have to determine the whole future of your life, either.

  4. In all likelihood there’s a very low chance you’ll be with your first boyfriend forever, but that doesn’t mean the sentiment of what you said to him wasn’t very sweet! I’d be happy to hear it. I think the dumb version of this same sentiment is “promise me we’ll be together forever” now that is bound to make for awkward conversation

  5. Long term or not, someone saying they want to fuck you forever is just a nice complement. Don’t worry about it, he’s fine.

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