so this has been a pattern for a long time but i think my boss is super sexy and weve chatted a bit and she laughs at my jokes and she complements me regularly. i havent asked her put or anything because shes my boss and i dont want to get fired or anything. i was planning on being more covert with it when i speak to her one on one. heres the thing my coworker started hitting on her openly and she wasnt hesitant about it he was doing kino calling her sexy to her face, demeaning me etc. when this started happening i shut down completely and started feeling super sad and kind of like im not good enough clearly. i dont know what to do in these situations except i should have escalated more quickly with her. im just kind of in shock how he did all the things i was afraid to do and i just stood there watching it all. so question is what would you do in this situation?

  1. Any woman who finds it funny when a guy demeans another guy isn’t worth your time, my friend

  2. its your boss are you insane? this isnt the bar this is work. best case you have some fun and the she has to report it to hr or something

    worst case you get fired just because

    i would do nothing in this situation, and let it happen, or most likely not

  3. Of all the adrenaline reactions, I would argue you picked the best one for the situation. Fight isn’t going to work at all here, flight is almost as bad, freezing costs you nothing.

    Don’t s*** where you eat.

    Go find someone else. Most dating relationships end in less than 6 months, and getting dumped and fired in the same week sucks almost as much as having to see your ex every single day.

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