Why am I always noticed and looked at in public? I’m socially aware in the first place, but I notice no matter what, most everybody looks at me when I’m simply walking in public. Am I eye-catching? Am I ugly? Am I weird? I don’t know.. I’ve always felt pretty average
Whether I’m wearing full makeup or none, people always look at me. Why!?

  1. We can’t possibly tell you. Ask a friend or family member for their honest opinion.

  2. If you are moving, people will look at you.
    If people see a moving object in their peripheral vision, they look up and check what the object is, where it’s going, and figure out if they need to duck (for example).

    So if you’re moving, people glance at you. If you then look at their face, they think you’re trying to communicate something, so they try to figure out what. Perhaps nod once at them if this is the case, to break a staring contest

    I don’t know why people look at you, but this may be a part of it. People look at other people in public, sometimes simply to see where they are going, a languid curiosity

  3. Could it be that you’re imagining it?

    I have a visual difference in my face so I know for a fact that I’m stared at more that the average person would.

    Still, I have been realizing lately that sometimes I’m just making it up and that a person who I think is looking at me is most likely not.

  4. Look at it from this perspective: what are you doing when you walk on the street? I know I look at almost everyone I walk past. You must be looking at everyone you walk past for you to notice all the looks. What if others think the exact same as you? Why tf is this girl looking at me? People might look at you but I bet more often then not its just habitual and there is nothing to it. Look at it another way: almost everyone you come across on the street has a bucket load of their own bullshit and long work days and relationships and bills and health and god knows what they have to deal with. You think some random stranger in the form of you is really something they consciously are paying attention to? And as long as you take care of your appearance in the form of basic grooming then you are more likely then not average looking just like the rest of us dont worry about it unless you are not taking care of your appearance or health maybe worry about it then but not because others look at you do that for yourself. It makes sense that because you are more socially insecure you are going to notice this more. Try to think with reason and just mind your own business and let others mind theirs. And one final thing: I know people who will go out for drinks just so they can watch other people going out for drinks and walking by. People watching is something everyone does. Dont try to fill in the thoughts for others you will drive yourself insane. People are always gonna look at you.

  5. Took a peak at your post history and judging by the picture of yourself I’d guess it’s because they find u attractive

  6. You’re not alone, I look at everyone, and will reciprocate a healthy smile if it’s given. Offer one and see how they react, or a head nod and a simple hey

  7. I think it’s due to you looking at them first. People tend to look at others who are looking at them, especially when you’re in the line of vision

  8. Maybe you’re more attractive than you think? Can’t speak for the ladies but most guys don’t like absolute sticks much more than walking blobs. There’s a middle ground.

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