FWB getting more serious or am I overthinking it? Someone help, I’m a first timer.

I (27F) met this 27M back in April and we started hooking up with the intent to be nothing more as he was afraid of the fact that I had kids. I traveled for the whole month of May… We both agreed to continue but to only hook up with eachother and let the other person know if we are potentially going to get involved with someone else or if we did.

Within the past couple of weeks, we started hanging out more than just on the weekends and even if I’m on my time of the month where we can’t actually do anything. We tend to hang out a lot and have drinks, watch movies, grab takeout. But we also have amazing sex.

We went though 3 very intimate scenarios recently where I feel is almost crazy to not have brought us closer.

I’ve slept by him a few nights and I think we really enjoy each others company…. but I started to feel it’s more than what we said it would.

I told him I was asked out on a date and he acted really weird about it and told me if I did, we can’t continue what we are doing. So I decided to not, as I really started to feel emotionally involved.

But he mentioned at the sametime that he’s not sure if he can give me what I need because I have 2 young children. He does not have kids, so I imagine he is a bit terrified about that and might need to make sure I’m someone that’s really worth the try, not sure.

It was a bit awkward after that conversation and I asked him if he wanted me to stay and he said yes. So I did, and we went to sleep. He woke up and placed his forehead against mine and went back to sleep. A few hours after, we woke up and had sex again, then back to sleep.

Not sure what’s happening, should I just be patient and see where things go or am I wasting my time? Now that I feel emotionally involved, I am getting a bit nervous. I feel he likes me too but holding back because he’s afraid of the kid thing. But I could be very wrong.

  1. Most FWB arrangements do not evolve into a serious relationship, even if they do “relationship” things with you. Ask him where he stands. If he says he doesn’t want a relationship, believe him.

  2. Have a serious conversation with him to ask if he wants more from you. We cannot guess what he wants just by reading your story.

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